I want to participate in clinical trails I need information about clinical trails in other countries to participate
need clinical trail information - Understanding Cli...
need clinical trail information
Most clinical trials are very rigorous about treating a specific disease, and are run in research hospitals by MD & PhD experts in that disease. Many trials supply the drug being investigated for free, but do not cover all other testing or travel costs and rarely compensate the patient.
Your question is so broad it would be challenging to answer in a meaningful way.
Go to MJFF website for great info on Clinical Trials,
Both US and international clinical trials are listed on clinicaltrials.gov.
Hi jyothimahesh have you participated in a clinical trial before? What kind of resources are you seeking? CISCRP has a free online service that can help you find clinical trials relevant to your needs. All you need to do is fill out a quick form: ciscrp.org/our-programs/sea...
Where are you currently located?