Hi, was just seeing people thoughts really as I’m not even sure what it is and if it’s something to be concerned about due us being immune suppressed.
Many thanks Vicky
Hi, was just seeing people thoughts really as I’m not even sure what it is and if it’s something to be concerned about due us being immune suppressed.
Many thanks Vicky
The early evidence is that while the ordinary 'flu has a death rate of 0.1%, this new coronoavirus has a death rate of 3.4%, or 34 times higher, so it is much more lethal. Diabetics have been found to have triple the normal death rate for coronavirus, or about a 10% rate, but so far there are no statistics for immunosuppressed patients, whose rate would be even higher than that for diabetics. It is known that for patients with multiple co-morbidities, the death is is increased, and this would include many transplant patients. We can only hope that the current death rate is inflated by the fact that only the most serious cases have come to the attention of statisticians. Our fate as transplant patients will depend on how widespread the coronoavirus becomes and how well we can insulate ourselves from the general population if it does become a general phenomenon where we live.
What really bothers me is the way the news media and public officials speak of the virus as not being a serious problem because it only kills very sick or immunosuppressed people, as though our deaths didn't count.
Thanks for your reply I was thinking Exactly the same think even people at work are like they had other problems like that makes it better gets on my nerves! I live In Bracknell and a lady died in reading hospital really worrying. I have clinic today am going to ask as work in a super market which makes me think I couldnt be any more vulnerable! I hope we all with be ok and the kidneys 💪🏻
Look after youreself