I would just like to give a bit of advice to all who suffer from T especially those who suffer badly like me. At night when all is quiet and you can't sleep because of the noise in your head do not be silly like me and rely on sleeping tablets.
To be honest I used to take Zopiclone once or twice a week but at the moment my T is driving me up the wall it is really loud and I have had T for about 20 years so me, stupid me gave into temptation and to get away from the noise I started to take Zopiclone every night sometimes two a night and on one occasion I took three.
After a month or so I started to get side effects, I found swallowing hard and also breathing has been difficult and I have pain in my heart. So my friends take my advice DO NOT!! be tempted to take sleeping pills because they can become addictive and you may just regret going near them, just like me.
Best wishes to all