Still new to T, 3 months, but the tones are constantly changing. (Noise induced) The morning T is a hiss in both ears but then as I watch TV, drive, go out, perhaps go to a cafe, have a meal, it keeps changing to more of a faster much louder hiss/whooshing noise. Then calms down later, usually the same day when I’m relaxed.
I didn’t have this when it first started, it was more of a tone which I feel I could actually get used to and try to deal with. I’ve noticed this more lately as I’ve started to think about the noise.
I’m now wondering if this is in fact my reaction to the noise and if this is actually the anxiety and stress which is making the noise change and not a reaction to the different situations at all?. If so, I hope this will improve when I manage to calm down a bit.
Does anyone have experience of this?