Just an observation - I've had really bad tinnitus since September. It's not stopped for one second - except for last night. I had an occular migraine (zigzag lights in vision but no headache). During the 30 or so mins that I was unable to see I noted that the Tinnitus had gone completely. It's back now. If I think about it, when you have an occular migraine I think the blood vessels constrict so that must have been what caused the tinnitus to stop. However I guess it's possible that I was just so fixated on/anxious by the visual symptoms that the tinnius was there but my perception of it was different. Anyway, it was nice to have a half hour break from T !
Tinnitus went with migraine!: Just an... - Tinnitus UK
Tinnitus went with migraine!
According to cbt for tinnitus book good news is that its just distress
Can tinnitus cause headaches or other problems?
Based on clinical observations, there seem to be several sensa- Dons that can be related to or caused by tinnitus distress. They range from various forms of muscle tension to oversensitivity to sound, referred to as hyperacusis.
Tension in the head and face muscles can lead to headaches. A study conducted in Sweden by Dr Lugo and colleagues showed that the prevalence of headaches among people with tinnitus was 26 per cent, and up to 40 per cent for people with severe tinnitus. This is higher than the prevalence in the general population. The headaches may be related to the stress and anxiety caused by tinnitus, or they may be related to a pre-existing problem like migraines. If the former is the case, the CBT methods described here may reduce the incidence and/or severity of headaches. If the latter, a doctor may be able to diagnose the root cause of the headaches or prescribe medi- cation for the migraines.
APD There are tiny muscles attached to the ossicles, the tiny bones yow in the middle ear that connect the eardrum to the cochlea (part mes por of the inner ear), as illustrated in Figure 3. If the muscles con- tract, they stiffen the ossicular chain, leading to a reduction in he pes the transmission of sound from the eardrum to the cochlea This occurs as a natural reflex when we are exposed to an intense sound; it helps to protect the delicate structures inside the cochlea. The muscles relax when the intense sounds stop. However, sometimes the muscles can contract for a long time without any intense sound being present. This can lead to
Hi SueX
I had migraines (not the worst as migraine suffering goes), then ocular migraines. I had those for years, l even before T started about 24 years ago, and they continue now. They have never caused a break in my T, but, although it is now severe and 24/7 anything that suddenly occupies the whole of my attention can make it stop for the rest of the day, returning in my sleep or even as I am falling asleep.
Best wishes
I had my first migraine for many years about 6 weeks ago - I was also startled by the fact that my Tinnitus shut up for the first day or two of it. It was actually very alarming and I ended up in A & E and had a CT scan - which was clear but it really freaked me out that the Tinnitus went quiet. (Had severe T since last April following cervical injury accident. Last migraine before that one above was about 30 years ago.)
Just put it down to the crazy haphazard meanderings of the T.
Sorry to hear you ended up in A&E but interesting that you had the same experience of T going quiet for a while.
Yes, it was really quite spooky. I woke up one morning with the headache and the T had absolutely diminished to virtually zero. I was more afraid than relieved tbh. Then as the morning went on the headache got worse and worse until I couldn't move my head without it being agony and phoned my surgery. They looked at my notes and advised immediate to A & E. A bit later when they had assured themselves with the clear CT scan - I began to speculate that out of place nerves or something from my injury had shifted in my cervical region during the night and gone back in to place or something.
Unfortunately, as the headache dispersed over the coming days the T returned.