Feeling depressed with constant dizziness, nau... - Tinnitus UK

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Feeling depressed with constant dizziness, nausea and louder tinnitus

ArtyPants46 profile image
15 Replies

Have had daily dizziness and nausea for the last three months on top of my tinnitus (which starred suddenly in March) and just feeling a bit down about it now as it feels relentless. A neurologist diagnosed vestibular migraine a few weeks back and I’m awaiting audio vestibular tests in Jan as just feel my inner ears have something to do it with - the tinnitus seems to spike when the dizziness/nausea is at its worst. On the bright side my hearing is still pretty good (just some high frequency loss in bad ear). Have been trying to stay upbeat and positive but today felt down about it and snapped at my lovely kids, no doubt the pressure of Xmas too. Anyway, just wanted to share and also wish everyone on here a happy Christmas.

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15 Replies
surreycccfan profile image

Happy Christmas to you to ArtyPants, its good you have some more clinical tests planned. Do you have anything in your 'toolkit' you turn to when you are feeling low? I know when I felt like this, I put in place some positive reframing and calming/grounding exercises to try and help me not feel to low and give me a plan to improve my mood.

ArtyPants46 profile image
ArtyPants46 in reply to surreycccfan

Thank you. Yes, I’ve recently been able to go back swimming - very slowly but steadily and this makes me feel really good. Also, drinking water and breathing but sometimes have to force myself to stop and do this!

Hi - I've recently been diagnosed with vestibular migraine, a switch from previous menieres diagnosis.

A neurology consultant recommended I take high dose B2 riboflavin for vestibular migraine. He said have to order it yourself so I did this. Been taking for two months now, not noticed any difference but will keep going...

I appreciate what your saying. Yes the cycle can get me down too. I'm currently a bit low. This site is a great help.

Similar to you I'm feeling a lot of stress and pressure in the run up to Christmas to act 'normal' and ensure everyone has a nice time. Add all the uncertainty into the mix and is it quite jarring! I know I'll be Ok and have a good day if I don't overthink it so I'm trying to relax. Yes it is a vicious circle.

Yes like you I get a build up of tinnitus and the vertigo hits me then. I usually lie down. I've just recently stopped taking nortriptyline which was prescribed by an ENT doctor last month for vest. mig. - as it absolutely flattened me. I took it for two weeks and I can feel the tablets coming out my system and my sleep is improving. I'm going to take a rest from tablets for a bit! Will keep going with the B2 and trying to eat well. I try to avoid too much sugar.

Sorry if this sounds negative. I'm usually upbeat. Tablets obviously may help others...

That is very good your hearing is ok.

If I get a dizzy spell I tend to lie down. I try not to move my head sharply and try to pace myself.

I know that can all be challenging especially as you have children. I don't get nausea now but used to - it is so horrible. Try sipping water? My balance and sometimes feet are affected, occasionally tripping - I think that is more stress related for me, the tripping. I take cinnarzine occasionally for vertigo.

I'm on biologics for arthritis and trying to avoid adding to medication.

All the best, be kind to yourself, I'm sure your kids will forgive you snapping. I try to avoid a lot of noise, bright lights - hard at this time of year and I'm feeling a bit of a hypocrite on the sugar point with a cupboard full of biscuits and shortbread! All the best. I hope it settles for you.

Merry Christmas 💐 🌲 🐈 xx

in reply to

Just saw you like swimming. That is great. I enjoy swimming too, really helps. x

ArtyPants46 profile image
ArtyPants46 in reply to

This is all very useful and reassuring - thank you. Yes, my symptoms sound very similar to yours. I’m on blood pressure tabs to help with the migraine despite having normal blood pressure and sometimes cyclizine to help with the nausea but am trying to cut down on those. Taking a stack on B vitamins and magnesium too. I’ve started to change my diet and am drinking lots of water, generally bring a bit kinder on myself (apart from today) and am aiming to get back to my useful fitness in the new year (usually a keen runner, swimmer and cyclist!) as that has gone out the window with all this going on. Have just started swimming again very gently so am sure that will help lift me out of my dark place in the new year. I find this forum a bit of a lifeline as it’s just impossible for anyone else in my life to fully understand what I’m going through…

in reply to ArtyPants46

I agree. This site is a lifeline.

Good for you on the fitness front. Yes can understand you'd need to pause the running and cycling. Great you're swimming though. I've found swimming really calming. You're right it is hard for people to understand at times. I've started telling them more and explaining if I do that I'll be flattened later!

Take care. 🌟 🌼

rabbits65 profile image

Happy Christmas ArtyPants , let’s hope you feel better very soon xxx

RobWG profile image


Your symptoms match mine pretty much exactly so sympathies.

My T is bad at the moment, loud and the pitch is intrusive but my brain seems to be ignoring it for now so while I'm very aware it's not bothering me so much.

The dizzyness and my other symptoms, tingling in face, odd pressure sensation in temples and top head are more difficult, part of that I think is not knowing what it is.

I had a seperate health issues that was trying to kill me so not really been able to pursue a diagnosis etc. That is fixed so will get back to docs too see where I'm at when we get some level of normality back.

Best wishes with your treatment going forward. I'm sure things will improve for you over time.



ArtyPants46 profile image
ArtyPants46 in reply to RobWG

Sorry to hear you’ve had similar symptoms- have you seen a neurologist and an ENT? I also have facial tingling down left side and had some health issues in the past which I’m sure are contributing (lifelong migraine issues and meningitis as a teen). I’m having some audio vestibular tests in Jan to see what’s going on with the ears. Will report back! I hope you get some respite too.

RobWG profile image
RobWG in reply to ArtyPants46


I've had one call with a ENT consultant when the focus was the tinnitus rather than the head symptoms. view seemed to be its tinnitus, not a lot we can do and I quote "its like breaking in a new pair of shoes you get used to it" Not sure i agree with that statement myself.

I've had a hearing test, very helpful and sympathetic. It identified some loss in the ear my T is worse but not enough to warrant a hearing aid though they were happy for me to try one if i wanted.

Our local surgery has had a difficult couple of years, as of two months ago its improved with some long term GPs who I've been to see with head issues. They have suggested keeping a diary of where the sensations are and severity. It's such a strange set of symptoms that seems to vary on a daily basis.

Head and tinnitus have been quite bad last week or so, i have a suspicion its linked to us staying at a relatives house for a few days and the different routine and perhaps sounds triggered it. The vestibular tests you mention is something I probably need to look at,

I'll make an appointment with docs to progress, I'm perhaps lucky that so far it doesn't stop me doing anything, just makes me feel like i donor want to anything which i try and fight.

I'll post updates ongoing.

ArtyPants46 profile image
ArtyPants46 in reply to RobWG

All sounds quite similar to my experience- I only spoke to an ENT on the phone last summer and this was before all the dizziness started so they thought a straight forward case of tinnitus (not that it is straight forward!) wow, the ‘breaking in shoe’ analogy is ridiculous and quite insulting - people just don’t understand unless they have it themselves.

As nice as my doctor is I haven’t really got anywhere with him. He thought jest I had was labyrinthitis and would pass soon (months ago). I actually got the audio vestibular tests by telling the audiologist about these new symptoms- she referred me straight away so if you have the contact number/email of your audiologist, I would suggest going down that path…

Good luck! Hopefully things will calm down a bit when you are back in a routine. I hoping the same in the new year…

LoveActually01 profile image

Hi. I’ve been struggling too. Got a new modem sound tinnitus starting on top of rattling and hissing. I had sudden hearing loss November 20 and then shingles on good eardrum. I feel so rotten all the time. I get a numb skull, nausea, tinnitus, fluctuating hearing, headaches, neck aches. Feel so sorry for my kids. No ENT will help me. Just feel rubbish all the time.

ArtyPants46 profile image
ArtyPants46 in reply to LoveActually01

So sorry to hear that but hopefully knowing their are others like you feeling the same is some comfort. I feel sorry for my gorgeous kids too as I’m sure it’s made me more glum and stressed. I’m really trying to be normal for them but it’s hard. Have you been diagnosed with anything?

LoveActually01 profile image
LoveActually01 in reply to ArtyPants46

Nothing concrete. Possibly menieres. Possibly auto immune ear disease. Possibly migraines. Possibly Perilymph Fistula. Just hideous. Feel like I'm holding onto my sanity (and hearing) by a very fine thread.

ArtyPants46 profile image
ArtyPants46 in reply to LoveActually01

Poor you but hang in there and tell your doctor how you are feeling. Also totally recommend calling The Tinnitus Association and/or Ménière’s Society as they will have good advice on what to do next and how to get proper help. Keep me posted! It will improve over time 🙏🏼

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