My tinnitus continues aggressively in my left ear. I just wondered if other sufferers have 'one-sided tiinnitus' like myself, or whether it's more common to experience it in both ears.....
One Sided Tinnitus: My tinnitus continues... - Tinnitus UK
One Sided Tinnitus

Hi IanBuzzed,
I am given to understand that one sided T is less common. I have the same as you and had an MRI which was clear. Since being fitted with a HA in my left ear only, my T has become less noticeable and I confess I hadn’t realised the extent of my hearing loss. I would encourage you to get checked out, if you haven’t already done so. The oxymoron is that you shouldn’t suffer in silence! Good luck.
Definitely get it checked and go through your GP/ health practitioner who should refer you for an MRI. This checks the blood vessels around your ears to make sure there’s nothing restricting the flow, which could be causing the pulsing sound.. It’s rare to find this, so don’t worry and hope you find some relief.
Hello sorry to hear about your experience. I don’t always have Tinnitus in one ear, more normally both. However, recently I have been aware of it more often in my right ear. When that happens I boost my hearing aid up full in the right side direction and it usually helps. I don’t know if you have hearing aids or not and whether you have a focus direction facility but it is worth a try.
Definitely get your hearing checked. I had lost high frequencies in right ear so I have a fully in ear hearing aid now with built in white noise when needed. It goes from quite loud without hearing aid in the morning to moderate and then evebtualy hardly noticeable with it in. I only use white noise option now when i I have a cold as the tinnitus goes much louder. Majority of the time, the extra exterior noise that the hearing aid picks up and throws into my ear is enough for my brain to refocus.
Mines one ear because that's the only ear they blew air into n pushed on .so stress along with that
Hi IanBuzzed.
yes I also have one sided Tinnitus. (left ear). Had an MRI years ago, all ok . I also have HAs but I usually forget to wear them and if I do usually one gets lost during the day and I spend hours looking for it.. They have blue tooth so I can listen to LBC talk radio but my phone is old and often not charged up . I generally listen to a pocket radio with one earphone . Day and night. I have the volume on low so I can listen to it if its interesting , otherwise ignore it and chat , listen to the tv etc. Its a case of finding what works for you . IF you haven't had an MRI please check with your doctor.
Hi IanBuzzed
I have Tinnitus on one side. It is very common.
I do not suffer it though as its just part of me now and thats fine.
I had T in my left ear for 6 years. My right ear was 100% according to the audiologist. Suddenly it was in my right ear, and a couple of years later it went full head. Protect the other ear! All the best.
I get variable T in sound and type. It is usually pulsatile in my right ear, but today, I have louder T in my left ear, a horrible whistly, whiny sound, however, this will pass so although I am aware of it due to its loudness, I am not concerned about it.
Thank you for your replies. I had the results of my MRI scan yesterday - all clear. Which was a relief but I'm still determined to try to find a way to reduce the intensity of the sound.
I have been trying acupuncture - but it made no difference at all.
The mission to find a "cure" kept me from going insane . By the time I had exhausted every avenue, (months) I had come to terms with it . Slowly learnt to ignore it. Now going through the same path as 20 odd years ago ( it returned) . But I am coping much better. It doesn't bother me that much . Oh ! acupuncture didn't help me either , but had to try !
Thanks - good to know. Trying to get 'mentally on top of it' - but some days better than others with this approach.....
Don't worry its normal. good days , bad days. Then eventually one day , you will suddenly realize that you haven't heard it all day . Some times I would deliberately listen to it then focus on the tv and repeat many times, got fed up with that ,so just watched the tv . Try to avoid all the stuff that makes it worse. Note them down. One of mine it this home computer😁. so limit the time I use it!
Hi IanBuzzed
Good news regarding the CT Scan.
I found the experiencing of finding new things to relax my nervous system and reduce anxiety to be an interesting challenge and I've been surprised at things that have/haven't worked.
I got far too busy trying new things in the end and for a time this was counterproductive. But i did find some gems that worked perfect for me.
Top 4 I found for me where
1.Gaming!! I hadn't gamed all my life but there i was in my 40s playing fortnight and Civ 6 with some background music. I found the music and gaming combination really helped take my mind off the Tinnitus and this in the early days is when I noticed that i could experience long periods without even noticing it.
2.Chess. In the really early days I couldn't concentrate enough to play but as i started to recover I found this really attention grabbing
3.Walking in Nature... I don't think I ever even noticed trees existed before Tinnitus but i found myself marveling at the different shapes of trees and nature in general. I remember reflecting on my walking in nature with a takeaway coffee days saying that so much suffering took lace here but you know on reflection i should have been saying that so much recovering happened here
4.Lego or making things. Keeping my mind and hands busy really helped me to tune Tinnitus out and relax me
It was a slow process but its 100% true in my case that in the early months I would notice only minutes where i wouldn't think about my Tinnitus, then as the months went on there would be hours then days then weeks and now months. Its not a linear improvement, there are ups and downs but trust the process.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write. Very much appreciated . Thanks also for your suggestions about occupying your brain with other things. The ones I haven't tried, I will! I do find walking outdoors a very therapeutic and useful way to make me forget about the constant noise.
Yes... I have it in my right ear only. And the intensity increases and decreases in volume. It's a kind of hissing noise. I've noticed that when I press on the eustation tube location below my ear, it gets quieter... so that kinda gives me a clue it might be a nerve related issue...but I don't know....I just wish it would stop. I listen to a sound track of calm rain to try and drown out the noise.