I have pulsatile tinnitus in sync with my heartbeat. It is constant and differ in levels but always there. I found that if I keep my brain and hands busy with colouring books I just forget that the crickets are there, I manage to fall asleep if I stay on my back with my neck extended then they are less loud. if I advance my lower jaw it diminishes the sound, I keep telling my family dr. that there must be something there. I had a c CT scan in 2004 the ENT dr. said that there was nothing there ......NOTHING ?m my brain is empty ? It started with a migraine and stayed after. the sounds is like crickets in summer, a party of them having fun in my brain.I told my gp that I have bugs in my brain and he did not thing it was funny.
Tinnitus : I have pulsatile tinnitus in sync... - Tinnitus UK

are you familiar with the website of Tinnitus UK? You might find this helpful, particularly if you look at the section on temporal-mandibular joint. I say this because you’ve written that the sound changes when you move your jaw.
Otherwise, yes when you keep your brain occupied it doesn’t bother about the phantom noise it’s creating.

Thank you for your reply. I thought I was on that website by writing here
This website that you are on is Health Unlocked. Covering many many health conditions. The particular section on tinnitus is moderated by Tinnitus UK.
For example, there is a section within Health Unlocked on heart troubles, moderated by British Heart Foundation.
Go to your search engine such as Google and I oit Tinnitus UK.
I have exactly the same - difficult to explain to others- sounds worse when I walk outdoors as I feel footsteps pound into my ear too - if I keep occupied troubles me less - best wishes to you fellow sufferer
Hi Demeb4dat
Take a look at this: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sup...
Mine started with pulsatile tinnitus and, by chance, I mentioned other symptoms such as loud noises making me dizzy and hearing internal noises like footsteps and the ENT thought it may be SSCD. It doesn’t show up on an MRI and requires a CT scan at a specific angle.
It may well not be relevant but, as PT is a key symptom, I thought I’d mention it.
Thank you so much. It's my first time seeing an excellent explanation of my problem. I had tests done by an audiologist because I realized that my hearing is getting low but trying appliances made my tinnitus worse, ear plugs do not help it is worse because I can hear my neurons clicking 😆just joking, seriously I can hear clicking. I have to admit that Drs. are not a big help because noise is the only symptom I have, I was told to learn to live with it. That is what I try to do
Pulsatile tinnitus. I have it as well, in both ears, though it's stronger in the left ear.