Hi Everyone, Happy 2025, this is my 1st time posting here, I have had Tinnitus in both ears for 4 years, thank you for sharing your posts as I have already found lots of tips. Was wondering if anyone ever gets a sort of loud boom sound too in your ears/head (mainly as I am trying to fall to sleep)? Thank you
Other sounds of tinnitus: Hi Everyone, Happy... - Tinnitus UK
Other sounds of tinnitus

Hi Gal3,
Yes, I get it. I suspect what we have is EHS - Exploding Head Syndrome (No, I am not making it up !)
Have a read here - it's nothing to be frightened about - I've had it on and off for many, many years.
I agree with Jimbob7. I have also had it since March last year and was initially terrified. Doctor sent me for CT scan but all ok and diagnosed as anxiety but I Google myself and came across Exploding Head Syndrome too and genuinely think this is what we have got. I have become used to it and when you read about it it is nothing to be scared off xx
you’re welcome. This forum has really helped me through some scary times. It’s always nice to know someone else is going through the same as you. I genuinely thought there was something seriously wrong when this first started happening but please Google exploding head syndrome I am convinced this is what we have and apparently 8% of tinnitus patients suffer with this. After a long time of worrying about this I now accept this and it happens much less and is much less scarier . Hope you can come to terms with this, this tinnitus is pretty damn rubbish xx
Hi, I’ve had tinnitus for about 4 years and I started getting the same thing as you. & I’ve put it down to lack of oxygen. I ended up getting tests for sleep apnea, which was confirmed although it’s mild and doesn’t require meds. It got worse during pregnancy & hasn’t happened since. I wonder if you have mild sleep apnea?