I am 24 years old and was diagnosed with pulsatile tinnitus in February. I can constantly hear my pulse in my left ear and when I turn my head or press my hand on my neck, the noise is a lot quieter/stops. As of yet I still have no answers, I have had an MRI angiogram and ultrasound on my neck which have both unfortunately found nothing. I frequently get headaches that pulsate in time with my pulse. I work as a student veterinary nurse so regularly have to listen to patients’ heartbeats but sometimes I can hear my heartbeat over theirs! Im so desperate for answers and for professionals to find something on scans/tests etc so that there is something to treat but for now, my GP has suggested I join this support group. If anyone has any advice I would be so so grateful as this really is having a massive impact on my mental health and my work!
pulsatile tinnitus : I am 24 years old and was... - Tinnitus UK
pulsatile tinnitus

Commiserations ! I wish I had an answer for you but you certainly have my understanding.
pulsatile tinnitus is not as common as (boring old) tinnitus . As such your post might not be seen by anyone who has this. Also, people who have been relieved of their symptoms or who have habituated won’t necessarily come on here again as it reminds them of a place they would rather forget.
tinnitus is experienced by more than one in ten of us, pulsatile less.
Saying all,this, have you been on the website of Tinnitus UK? They do have a helpline and are very helpful.
hi. I have had Pulsatile tinnitus for nearly a year. The constant beating in my ear is so debilitating but I have had to learn to live with it im afraid. I spent hundreds on a private specialist but there is no cure. I had scans MRIs angiography of the neck and everything possible checked. In my case it is caused by a loop ed artery over the 8th nerve near the cochlear and it’s picking up the noise. Trust me you will come to terms with it as there is no pill or surgical option. I saw one of the best consultants in the country! Please don’t be down. As others say check out the website and try to understand the cause. Very best wishes.
Hi Yellowlab29
I have PT on both sides which is caused by something called Superior Semi-circular Canal Dehiscence or SSCD for short. It’s worth you looking it up to see if you have any of the other symptoms associated with it.
It’s a long shot but if you do have that, there is a surgical option which can sometimes work. I say sometimes as I had 3 operations which were only partially successful and didn’t get rid of the PT.
It does not show up on MRIs so you have to have a specific CT scan if it is suspected. The first ENT I saw didn’t even think of it but I got a 2nd opinion who immediately suspected it when I mentioned my other symptoms (dizziness with loud noises, hearing my voice buzzing in my ears, headaches and a very high sensitivity to noise).
Realistically, it’s unlikely that you have SSCD but it’s worth a shot.
Good luck
I’ve had right ear PT for decades, and now don’t notice it unless it’s very quiet. Low-level masking sounds can help, and you can still hear things at work. If it intrudes when it’s quiet - like in bed - then sound that almost masks it helps to stop noticing it. I play the sound of a trickling stream that I recorded. There’s a similar sound came with my iPhone. But I only want it a few times a year. Good luck.
I've been suffering from tinnitus since 2022 and from pulsatile tinnitus since 2023.
I have the same as you describe but iny right ear. When I press on a specific place on my neck behind my ear it goes away. I've been to ENT and had an MRI scan with and without contrast.
My results with contrast show that I have a small transverse sinus diverticulum. Which is a rare vascular disorder.
I really pushed for the MRI and having the one with contrast is the only way the issue was found.
I am still waiting to go to a specialist hospital but have been seen by tinnitus specialist doctor who has given me a tinnitus masker to try. It's a bit like a hearing aid but can play white noise etc.
I hope you get some answers soon.