I developed 1 sided Pulsatile Tinnitus 3 months ago. GP sent me for an MRI which came back ok, waiting for ENT appointment. My question is as I have a collapsed disc in my neck which is pressing on a nerve root could this be the part of the problem. My GP has totally ignored the neck problem. I am new to this forum so thanks in advance for any reply l get .
Pulsatile Tinnitus . : I developed 1 sided... - Tinnitus UK
Pulsatile Tinnitus .

Hello! I developed pulsatile tinnitus 18 months ago in my left ear. After ear tests were O.K hearing wise and MRI scan and CT scan revealed nothing I had an Ultra Sound on my neck. This revealed a tortuous blood vessel in my neck which was causing the PT. Might be worth a check. Keep posting as there are various ways to cope and people are most helpful on the forum.
Thanks for that. Its a big help. I have an appointment tomorrow with consultant about my neck. Had the problem 7 years now . My GP has never even thought there could be a connection as the PT has just started. Im going to ask the orthapedic consultant myself tomorrow and to hell with the GP. Many thanks for the reply.
Good to hear you are getting answers to your T. I had MRV on my neck done the other week which shows apparent anatomic anomaly which my neurologist does not quite understand and so is checking with neuro surgeon - so I wait to hear. Woudl you mind advising what if any treatment they have offered you for the tortuous vessels? Thanks.
Unfortunately, the blood vessel that is causing the 24/7 PT is too close to a main artery. This means no one would take the chance to interfere with any surgery as it would be too dangerous. So I rely on pillow speakers with Shokz headphones during the day.
I see. I have a similar issue with an Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) in brain, basically tortuous blood vessels and I had Gamma Knife radiation treatment two years ago which I am hoping will slowly kill off the vessels over time (up to five years apparently). Dont know if they offer similar treatment for neck anatomy.