So I am 2 and half years into my tinnitus journey and it is definitely gradually worsening. During the course or my journey I have seen a doctor, an audiologist, an ENT specialist and a each person has told me my tinnitus would not get any worse yet I feel that it is. What is everybody else’s experience with worsening tinnitus. It’s definitely not just in my head that things are getting worse they really are xx
worsening tinnitus: So I am 2 and half years... - Tinnitus UK
worsening tinnitus

Morning, im 18 months into my tinnitus journey and the past 4 months have been dreadful for me. I’ve asked to be referred back to ENT as not coping with it at all, it’s changed from ringing noise in ear to a constant noise throughout my head with high pitch sound too. My therapist said my hearing aid will masked these sounds as I lost some hearing in one ear all at same time too. But not when I take aid out and trying to sleep. Hope you get it sorted 🤗 I
Hi BmB64. I'm wondering what you are looking for from a referral back to ENT? Have they identified any specific functional problems with your ear - eardrum perforations, bone thinning - previously?
When you say that you're not coping, that would suggest to me that talking therapy would be a good fit for difficulty in coping with or managing your tinnitus?
Hi, I get sharp pains in my left ear and ear feels very full like it’s going to explode at times. I also suffer with one sided headaches on same side for past 18 months. I didn’t dint therapy much help.
Thanks BMB64. A referral to ENT for pain sensations in the ear as you describe would be a good idea - these wouldn't necessarily be related to your tinnitus, nor would the headaches that you mention. In the latter case, and purely based on your description, would that be likely to benefit from seeing a neurologist or a headache specialist?
Yes I’ve been under a neurologist for the same amount of time and been on 3 lots of medications had MRI which thankfully came back clear 18 months ago but suffer with pain 24/7 😢 so now awaiting ENT referral but waiting list are very long. 😩
Hi. I've had tinnitus in my right ear for as long as I can remember (after two ear ops that didn't work) and I just put up with it. I was really stressed out at work in March of this year and it appeared in my left ear too so now I have it in both ears. It's all I can hear.
I had a hearing assessment booked on 2nd July which I was reffered for in March and it was cancelled and rebooked for 29th July. I was referred urgently to ENT after some pushing and insistence (you can get a 2 week referral if your tinnitus is seriously affecting your life/how you feel/depression, pain etc - mention all those things in you want a quick referral). They put a camera up my nose and looked at my throat to look for cancer/tumours/blockages and thankfully they didn't find any of those they have since referred me for CT scan and hearing aids with the audio vestibular team.
My local hearing clinic was doing a free hearing check so I went on Monday. I have a perforation in my right ear drum which the hospital didn't pick up but isn't affecting me. The guy I saw suggested 1 hearing aid for my left ear and a bone anchored hearing device (BAHA) for my really bad right ear in which I have little hearing so will bring that up when I have my hearing assessment on the NHS on Monday. He thought this might possibly relieve some of the tinnitus.
He also suggested a book - Living with tinnitus and hyperacusis by Laurence McKenna which you can get off ebay/amazon quite cheaply.
Best wishes for all you sufferers!
I’ve had tinnitus for 12 years now and I wouldn’t say mine has necessarily got worse, but it’s definitely had its ups and downs. I get good periods and then not so good. Having a cold can flare it up or make its tone more annoying. Eating spicy foods and too much ear wax. But I would say to myself it does change and reside to normal level eventually. This is not to take away from how hard it can be though! It’s a very common condition though but takes a lot of patience!