3 weeks ago, I had a bad cold which made my sinuses swell but with no actual infection.As the cold passed my ears became blocked and had ringing in my ears, more on one side. I also lost my taste and smell but negative tests for COVID. I have a slight return of these senses but have developed a pulsing sound in one ear. Googled it and says it could be first sign of a brain tumour or an aneurism!! I'm terrified as I also have a health phobia .Has anyone else had similar and also is acupuncture or cranial osteopathy good for this.Thank you to anyone who replies
Pulsing tinnitus: 3 weeks ago, I had a bad cold... - Tinnitus UK
Pulsing tinnitus

Tumours are very rare. Suggest you speak to your doctor. He should be able to tell if you need further investigation.
along with what Kellythecat says - have you looked at the website of Tinnitus UK? Lots of stuff there for you to read.
There's tinnitus and there's pulsatile tinnitus, which is rarer. I have PT. If it's PT, the pulsing noise will synchronize with your pulse - you can test it or have your doctor test it by touching the pulse point on your wrist and see if it beats to the same rhythm as your pulsing tinnitus. It will pulse faster when you exert yourself... basically will follow your heartbeat.
You can find research on this, but it's still early days for you so please don't panic right away. It could be just related to your sinuses.
In most cases PT, like regular tinnitus, is probably not a tumour but if it persists, you should have tests done ... the regular route we all take ... ENT first ....
I have exactly the same with PT from time to time. I have gone down the MRI, CT allergies route with nothing found and would expect similar with you so don't worry. My T is worse during the winter which I also think might be down to head congestion. It's very frustrating that so many people have T but there appears little medical support other than ways how to live with it which of course has value but depressing when you are looking for help why it is happening and then ways to stop it.