I've been a semi-pro bass player for many years playing blues-rock, funk, soul etc in mostly modest-sized venues - so nothing extremely loud.
About twelve years ago I auditioned for a new band and after meeting and chatting with the others duly set up in the studio opposite the drummer.
The leader counted us in for the first song and I was immediately struck with UNBELIEVABLE LEVELS OF ELECTRIC DRUM NOISE TOGETHER WITH PAIN IN BOTH EARS 😳.
I just ran from the studio with fingers in both ears - and I knew something major had just happened.
In just a few seconds my hearing had been damaged.
From that day to this I have suffered with a high-pitched, hissing sound in both ears, primarily the left.
The sound is constant, 24/7 but I guess I'm one of the lucky ones - pulsile must be worse.
I have hyper-acusis & certain frequencies can be painful. If I find myself somewhere where the music or ambient sound is too loud, it can hurt.
Performing-wise - I did try playing using earplugs made for musicians and also in-ear monitors- I found them either useless or spoiled all the fun of playing live.
Eventually, I sold my bass gear and went back to where I started - playing acoustic guitar.
There is no doubt that tinnitus can be distressing - occasionally, I go to a local Tinnitus support group meeting and I speak with others who seem to be in a worse place than myself with theirs.
Let's hope that one day an effective treatment will be developed.