Hello all, I have found cotton wool takes the sting off the ringing when watching TV
and daytime study, I do this also when cycling sometimes using silicone ear plugs for
protection, can this cause or contribute to spikes later in the day?.
Hello all, I have found cotton wool takes the sting off the ringing when watching TV
and daytime study, I do this also when cycling sometimes using silicone ear plugs for
protection, can this cause or contribute to spikes later in the day?.
I don’t use ear plugs or any kind of masking, as such. But I’ve found that if my T is masked by something, such as an aircraft journey, it takes it revenge once I’m home and relaxed. It’s louder and more intrusive, but this wears off after a couple of days.
Hello thanks, do you have any other triggers for this reaction?. This happens when I listen to static or when playing a musical instrument even at lowest setting, how could a professional musician possibly cope.
what triggers an increase in sound for me is if I’m feeling under the weather, or if I’ve experienced a lot of sound for a long time (travelling on aircraft for example). But we all get tinnitus triggered (or not) in different ways, what’s bad for me could be good for you.
I imagine that professional musicians just get habituated.
Hello, thanks, yes I have experienced similar sound increases after traveling which can last a while but can be slept through, other spikes I have are are more intense and can not be slept through. What is habituated please?
Habituation is the realisation that something is there, but that you don’t need to react to it. As an example: when in the autumn the weather suddenly turns cold you have to put on a bigger or heavier coat (or whatever you wear) to go outside, for the first few minutes the garment feels heavy and uncomfortable but within a few minutes you’ve forgotten about it. Or, if you walk in the streets of a city you’ll come across many many people but you don’t take any notice of them. You are habituated. whereas if you’re walking in the countryside you might say hello.
I’m habituated to tinnitus because I’ve had it for a long time and although i can easily hear it above the noise of a car when I’m driving at sixty down the motorway, I just don’t notice it. I can hear it now because I’m writing this. But since getting up this morning I had not noticed it.
Hope this helps explain.
Just my experience for contrast - I have hearing loss and wear hearing aids now. They mask my tinnitus during the day to a degree (it's still there but I can hear sounds I couldnt so that helps). However I was advised not to use earplugs, due to the suspicion of hearing loss being part of the issue of why I hear the "white noise" so it could make me focus more by wearing earplugs. I believe something else has caused the hearing loss and whistling noise, and I'm looking at this separately.
First of all I must stress we're all different and our ailments may have different causes and accompany different symptoms.
I have successfully habituated, but I've learnt in the last month or two, it's a continuous and rocky road. I've also learnt it can also get worse but more importantly get better over night.
I've been using musician ear plugs along with hearing aid maskers. I've been using hearing aids on and off, which generally helped mask lessened the Tinnitus because it picked up more of my surrounding. However, Hyperacusis which I seem to have to endure with or without HA worsened. All of which have caused (or worsened insomnia, which I've always suffered or lived with throughout my life (I'm 48). I've found since last year, Sertraline has been a great help and I was in a good place.For about 4 or 5 months and persisting with hearing aids despite noise I had odd endure and a feeling of discomfort and anxiety managed by Sertraline. I've not been 100%, then a few weeks ago I suffered a bout of amnesia and confusion, and Vertigo. I naturally went to the doctor, he referred me for an immediate CT Scan, which camd back ok, but with no answers. It happened again, the doctor devised a plan to withdraw Sertraline, which takes several weeks, and referred me to a Neurologist. The last 2 or 3 weeks have been hell (dizziness and confusion) and I don't think I appreciate how much Sertraline helped. I kept trying at the gym but was too weak and unsteady. Everything was pointing to adverse effects of Sertraline, now followed by a mix of Sertraline and Nytol (they make it worse), but I needed sleep and the Nytol worked. Betahistine v. mildly helped
On Saturday (2 days ago) I saw the Neurologist and within 5 minute he diagnosed Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD) and to increase Sertraline again (I was on 150mg before and down to 50mg with one week to go to stop( and he also told me to stop Nytol.
Im a teacher so almost certainly a mixture of stress with work and hearing issues.
So I'm awaiting a follow up GP appointment (tomorrow I hope). But I decided that day on seeing the neurologist, I needed a reset. Sertraline was helping, so I've gone upto 100mg. I've stopped everything else.inclusing maskers and hearing aids.
Literally over night I was 90% better. I managed a full gym session Sunday (Yesterday) morning albeit taking it slow today I'm 100% back to where I was 4 months ago. I still need a ENT follow up that I've been waiting for for a while now.
I'm now facing my fears of noise and not giving a monkeys about having to say "ya what?" all the time.
So for me masker and anxiety of looking for solutions have not helped at all. Again we're all different.
All the best.
Dave, you’ve been a valued contributor here for some time now and I’m sorry you’ve been unwell. Whilst reading your description I thought you were going to say you’ve been diagnosed with BPPV but you’ve got a different set of initials. So as to speak.
Regardless, the symptoms are similar and having been diagnosed with BPPV I’ve found great benefit from doing vestibular rehabilitation exercises which, I expect, you’ve been given to perform, They are to train the brain to understand what your eyes and body is telling it rather than your ears. I do hope your health improves.
ModelMetalworker sorry I don't want to hijack the thread. You have to try different strategies to find what works. Keep seeking professional advise and be patient. It's a very stretched system, but it is worthwhile pursing.
I fully relate to you symptoms.
Thanks Happyrosie likewise. It so nice we're all here and to support each other and keep this forum going. Though I'd prefer we all didn't need to be here at all. It's where we at nevertheless. I wish I had more time to contribute, but my job as a teacher which ironically played a huge role in adding to the stress, during the last few weeks, take up a lot of time.
I've not fully read up on PPPD or BPPV, but I read among other things it's a product of BPPV I thought at first the Neurologist said BPPV) that I've read many times on here so, it's on my reading list so I'm not sure I'm in a position to comment. The Neurologist was without a doubt and the stres of work and coping with hearing aids does add up.. It's a relief to have an answer. I've not had a spike with Tinnitus like the one that has accompanied it for a long time (certainly for not such a prolonged period). Sadly it's part of the journey we have to accept and stay positive. It's nothing serious (relatively speaking) that all that matters.
I'm pleased I've addressed the issue and I'm almost recovered overnight. I expect it to be a few weeks to fully recover, if only this episode. Well at least I know how to address it, for next time.
It's a journey and without this forum, of which you form a strong part and Tinnitus UK being a great organisation. Well! I'm fine though. Keep well, look after yourself and keep up the excellent work.
ModelMetalworker stay strong
Hello, had another spike through the night, very unhappy. I am noticing the masking effect throughout a day can include the usual things like shaving and showering, hair dryer and even the microwave oven, may be these have a cumulative effect. Can't get through one day without an issue.