l had covid about a month ago, not too bad just a severe headache that lasted about a day. Since then though my tinnitus has got really loud. Has anyone else found covid has made it worse and did it improve?
Tinnitus and covid : l had covid about a month... - Tinnitus UK
Tinnitus and covid
yes mine has got worse
Hissing especially at night
yes, my tinnitus got much worse after both the covid vaccinations and the covid infection I had in February 2022. It has not calmed down unfortunately. Loud 24/7
I have the same problem after the covid jabs and have trouble sleeping with the intrusive hiss! I have found the best aid to sleep is 2 valerian tablets about9.00 before going to bed 10ish. The doctor perscribed 10mg of Amitriptyline but I stopped those because they made me feel nauseous the day after. The less disturbance once you are asleep the more chance of sleeping straight throughout the night, I know that sounds obvious but it is supprising what small noises can wake you and make you aware of the tinnitus. Hope this will help you.On a positive note my tinnitus first started and was quite bad just after the 3rd covid jab but has reduced now to a manageable volume at night . Hope this is of help and good luck.
Hi marigold60, I got covid in 2020, felt dreadful for about a week, my tinnitus ramped up big time and is still the same, have good and bad days but I have learnt to live with it, British Tinnitus association is a good website to look at.
Take care, hope it calms down soon .
I also contacted covid soon after it started several days/weeks after I noticed I developed tinnitus This was a year ago and it hasn’t gotten any better sometimes even worse. If anyone has suggestions please let me know!!!! Thanks
Clonazepam taken ocassionally lowers the volume for me. Want to try gabapentin
Thanks everyone for replying. I was hoping this spike might be short-lived but it seems as though this may not be the case. I need though to feel I'm doing something to help, whatever the outcome is. I'm seeing a tinnitus expert and I've had one session that has helped a bit just in the understanding of it. I'm going back again to find tools to deal with it. I'm also hoping for an ENT appointment soon. Knowing there is support out there makes a big difference.
My tinnitus is now 24/7 since my booster shot in January. I had a severe reaction and was sick for a month. Since that time the ringing is much louder and it does not let up a few hours a day like it used to.
My long term tinnitus, turned to pulsatile tinnitus after first vaccine. Still suffering two years on from then. Worse descision i have ever made in agreeing to vaccine.
Mine got much worse in January 2022. I had a sore throat. No idea on the virus type. Hyperacusis also as soon as i was exposed to loud noise at the gym. Living hell
hi, yes I had Covid bad and it left me with heightened T. I had my 4th vaccine last week which left me even worse off. The day after the booster vaccine I was really scared but then the following day it reduced by 60% and I was really happy though sadly 24 hrs later I’m back to constant loud ringing.
hi !
I have just joined this forum, and am interested in your recent post. Like many others here I had mild tinnitus and following a mild case of covid it really ramped up in volume and intrusion in my life.I am due my 4th vaccination and having read your post am worried about having it... I am guessing that you would advise against it?
Hi. I personally feel I’ve injected enough toxicity into my body and will not have any more injections. Feel that I’m now left with long covid and am struggling as we speak with flue and chest infection which I can’t shake off since my 4th booster. I know when I get better my T will calm down (hopefully. It’s Russian roulette in my opinion. I got bad covid even after my 3rd injection . I have been healthy all my life up until now. I still have my smell and taste but not 100% more like 65%