So I e always believed my lastnxovid vaccine was the cause of my tinnitus. Interesting article in the US suggesting inflammation caused by covis vaccine may cause tonnitis. Can't seem to post link. It NBC News. "Covid vaccine side effects tinnitus linked to inflammation"
Covid vaccine and tinnitus: So I e always... - Tinnitus UK
Covid vaccine and tinnitus
a comprehensive article about Covid - including vaccines - and tinnitus is on the website of Tinnitus UK.
A similar report ran on Sky News' website in the UK at the start of the week, based on researcher Shaowen Bao's interviews with members of a Facebook group.
Shaowen Bao's field of study is neuroscience - he is based at the University of Arizona and published a widely-reported hypothesis that tinnitus reactions in animal test subjects had been reversed by tackling inflammatory responses found in the animals.
In all honesty there isn't a story here beyond the suppositions which have been added by journalists who've picked up on this Facebook group comment thread. The crux of the story is that some people feel that their tinnitus is related to Covid vaccines, however there is no evidence for this beyond anecdotal testimony.
Somebody of a more cynical bent might suggest that news stories of this type are clickbait and little more, but your mileage may vary, of course.
I actually feel mine was possibly subsequent to Vaccine and i am very pro vaccine
wrong. Inflammation from covid can cause tinnitus not the Moderna vaccine.
The covid vaccine made my tinnitus worse.