A year ago I develop sudden onset loud T in left ear. Went through the whole panic, can’t sleep, can’t eat, how will I live with this thing. Then came to terms with it and started sleeping, trying to live life normally. About 6 months ago, I started feeling severely dizzy and nauseous 24/7. It was just unbearable. I remember thinking if only I had just the tinnitus! Panicked that I had Ménière’s and then managed to see an ENT and had Audio-vestibular tests at UCLH - which was very thorough - the diagnosis was chronic vestibular migraine and visual vertigo. The consultant did every test going and said that my symptoms were most consistent with VM. Have been on vitamin B2, magnesium, Candesartan and Notriptyline for a few months now. Have tried to have healthy diet and go swimming - felt like I was feeling very slightly better in Jan but after a really stressful month of work am back to square one with constant dizziness, T and intermittent nausea.
I am a positive person with a supportive husband and lovely kids. I am still upbeat and trying not to let it stop me going stuff - I went on a boat and cable car this week and am really proud that I managed to do it. Felt very giddy the next day though!
The one really hard thing for me is lying down. When I’m vertical, this is when I feel the most dizzy and often at night the room spins, especially in the early hours when I’m often woken by what I can only describe as vertigo zaps and sudden nausea. I grind my teeth terribly and feel this sets it off (I have a tooth guard but doesn’t seem to help much). Anyone got any tips or ideas to help with lying down/nights?!
Sorry for the long post!