Does anyone else find supposed Tinnitus relief noiusr generators more annoying than z relief. I find showers and babbling rivers make my T sound worse instead of better.. Are there better apps out there. Thankd
T Sound generators annoy my ears : Does anyone... - Tinnitus UK
T Sound generators annoy my ears

Hi Drummingman
It would help the community to know how long you have been using noise generators for - are these new to you or have you been trying them for a while? It seems like a minor distinction, but it does make a difference.
Hi drummingman2 I use the resound tinnitus relief app . There are lots of sounds - not just water . There are also meditations and breathing exercises which can really help you relax . I only have to hear the first few words and I start to unwind . Might be worth a try 🙂
Tinnitus is just one of many symptoms of hearing loss. Your hearing impairment may have caused you to become sensitive to those sounds/frequencies or the volume is too high.
I'm sensitive to certain sounds, but also, if have the volume too high, my tinnitus thinks it's a competition.
I use the Resound app as suggested by doglover. Our hearing loss is unique, so you need to try different noises at a different volume. It's only for relief, but if you are thinking about it and focused on it, it become noticeable and louder.
There is good advice on the BTA website about sound therapy. Towards the bottom of the page.
I use the App Sleep Pillow, lots of sounds which you can mix together. There’s a free version but you can add packs of sounds and the whole lot are not very expensive. I use it every night to aid sleeping.
Another using ReSound app. As well as some presets, you can mix your own.
I think it's about getting a mixture of distraction from the tinnitus and sounds that relax you.
yes - my tinnitus goes up with sounds in general -its all about what type of T u have and the cause. i have Reactive tinnitus which only about 5% of T sufferers have - sound therapy is difficult for me and i dont do it - the hearing aid fitting app made my T go up to another level and it stayed there - music in general affects my T and makes it go up - its a more difficult tinnitus - caused my head injury and mild concussion with underlying brain issues - so its more neurological than hearing loss - whereas the majority of people, the T is caused by hearing loss - i now listen to low frequency sound (only) that i found on youtube
Hi, I also find that showers get my tinnitus going. Not everyday, but certainly some mornings I get out if the shower and the T had escalated. Don’t understand why this only happens on some days.
does yr T go up with background noise in general - this is what happens to my T