First time poster - and it's going to be a long one! Feel free to skip it, I just wanted to write this down to get it out of my head and maybe get some tips.
Last April I decided that I needed to do more exercise so I did a HIIT workout. Biggest mistake ever! A few hours later, I started hearing a whoosing in my ear. It was annoying, but I figured it would go away in an hour or so. It continued into the evening and when I woke up in the middle of the night still able to hear it, I googled "pulsing in ear". Cue panic as I read articles about it. Go and see your GP immediately -> vascular problems -> heart disease. My dad had died from heart disease the year before so, despite being a relatively healthy 34-year-old, I became convinced (and obsessed) that I had something wrong with my heart. I ended up at A&E twice over the following days after having what I now know were panic attacks but what I thought at the time were heart events. I went to the GP, expecting some sort of urgent response to the pulsatile tinnitus. Nothing. "Tinnitus is something a lot of people have. You'll get used to it". I went back a few more times as it persisted over the weeks, but still nothing, despite me showing them the NHS page about it and other sources. They did prescribe some propranolol for the anxiety though (which I refused to take). I ended up going private and saw an ENT consultant who arranged an MRI, which came back fine. On the back of an ECG taken on one of my A&E visits, I got a cardiology appointment for an echocardiogram and ECG. They too came back fine. The pulsatile tinnitus eventually subsided after nearly two months. However, it left me with all-consuming health anxiety. I'd sit there, waiting for it to start up again. If I felt any sort of sensation in my ear, I'd tense up and start googling why I could feel something. Of course other anxiety symptoms crept in - tight chest, dizziness, vibrating limbs, numbness, burning skin etc. All of it I linked to the pulsing ear and my heart. I did gradually learn to manage the anxiety (with the aid of bereavement counselling) and got to a stage where I was feeling good again...
And then, in November, I got a cold. Cue tinnitus. Constant in both ears. It took a week to figure out what the buzzing in my head was. I thought it was just head fog from the cold. Of course I eventually googled it. It can be caused by vascular problems also. I've latched onto that and am now in a state of anxiety again. Despite the fact that I know it's probably been caused by the cold, or the fact that I've just had my braces removed so there might be a jaw issue, or the fact that my neck has been bad for the last couple of months. I got an ENT referral for this tinnitus in December, but have at least another month to wait to get an appointment. If I'm busy, then I can ignore it, but when it really gets its claws in there is absolutely no escape. And the one thing that I really want to be able to do is to do some exercise. I want to go for a run or do an aerobics class. But I fear doing anything that might cause the pulsatile tinnitus to start again, or that might make the current tinnitus worse. And the whole time I'm thinking, if you're not exercising then you're arteries are going to be clogging up. It's such a vicious cycle that I can't see any escape from until I get in front of a consultant and tell them (in my very rehearsed speech) that I will not leave until all serious potential underlying threats have been ruled out.
Sorry that's very rambly! I have no one else who understands. Thought I'd get it out here. My mum says she wishes she had it and not me - I've told her that she really doesn't want it!!