6 Years on.....: Hi . Sorry I've not been... - Tinnitus UK

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6 Years on.....

Lindsay6 profile image
22 Replies

Hi . Sorry I've not been engaging for a while - at the time there was communication about only wanting positive stories , so I have stayed away . That makes me sound selfish as I should have been here for others , sorry. 6 years of tinnitus has led to more ' health problems' and mere will power isn't enough. I apologise to those who will be angry this isn't a positive story .

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Lindsay6 profile image
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22 Replies
Lynne-H profile image

I don`t think anyone will be angry with you Lindsay. You`ve done nothing wrong. We can`t all be positive all of the time. Sorry to hear you`re not too good at the moment. Sending you lots of hugs.

Love Lynne xx

Lindsay6 profile image
Lindsay6 in reply to Lynne-H

Thanks Lynne . I'm just exhausted and I guess despondent - each added symptom caused and causing higher pitch and ferocity is very dispiriting . I have had a bad itch for 5 months now , burning hands and feet too. I hardly sleep because of it and it's ramped up the tinnitus and am exhausted . I have had the same response as to my tinnitus : ' we don't know what it is , you're not depressed but I don't know what else to give you so here's a script for anti depressant' - I've 8 unused scripts of different types ! I personally think that 6 years of ever increasingly painful tinnitus has taken it's toll on my nervous system and my usually positive and determined brain has met it's match ! No longer working , I miss being busy and although still doing a tiny bit of voluntary work , it's a far cry from just 2 years ago. I am a carer for my Dad , who's not well , and help my Mum - both are grateful and it fills some of my time . I miss not going to see Forest most - and the irony that I spend time helping other fans , by being on the Supporters Trust Board , to have a good experience when I can't go and when other disabled voices are not heard is an irony that's more sad to bear each match /each debacle at the club ! I have support from a ' Mindfulness lady ' and have had some alternative therapy treatments but tinnitus just seems to be stronger than any of my or other's actions. I'm just tired I guess . I have arranged some counselling sessions - fortunately fee through a charity I am a member of .

After all that , I hope you are doing ok ?

Thanks again


Lynne-H profile image
Lynne-H in reply to Lindsay6

Hi Lindsay

Tinnitus-wise I`m ok - I seem to be one of the lucky ones who has managed to get to grips with it. It must be exhausting when you get no respite.

I sympathise with your skin problems. I have very dry skin especially around my scalp and ears. Spend every morning slapping Diprobase on various parts of my body. Sometimes steroid ointment. I think itching is as bad as pain sometimes. Has anyone suggested an anti-histamine. I can`t take those because I have glaucoma and they would increase my eye pressures. My skin problems began eight years ago not long after I was prescribed eyedrops for the glaucoma which I don`t have any choice about taking. So have to balance the side effects with the benefits.

It`s a shame you can`t go to the football. I always look at the Forest score on a Saturday when checking on Stoke.

I hope you get some benefit from the counselling sessions.

Take care. Love Lynne xx

Lindsay6 profile image
Lindsay6 in reply to Lynne-H

Hi Lynne . Sorry fro delay . My father had to go to A and E on Tuesday night and yesterday was spent with medical calls , cleaning his flat and taking clothes etc to him as they have kept him in. Went to Supporters Trust AGM in the evening as am on the board - when got to Park and Ride couldn't open my car door because of the frost. Took 15 mins , lots of de icer and a nice young man before I could get in ! The stress free route to easing tinnitus isn't very likely ! sorry you too have an itch - mine's eased a bit - possibly because I have stopped the anti histamines ! I too now look out for Stoke , and Huddersfield as a result of being on this forum - we've all had managerial changes . Forest have had so many , it was telling this time as my friends and I didn't even text about it ! I am totally underwhelmed by new manager . Thanks again

Angela-H profile image
Angela-H in reply to Lindsay6

Hi Lindsay, my local team is The Shrews (Shrewsbury Town of course) and my daughter was a season ticket holder before her career tookher to Norwich. Born In Shrewsbury. My son cares not one jot about football. My family blood-lines team is West Bromwich Albion - my sister, her hubby and 3 kids are season ticket holders despite living in Shropshire! There are some things you can’t change!


Angela xx

Lindsay6 profile image
Lindsay6 in reply to Angela-H

That made me smile ! Good win against Stoke ( sorry Lynne ) . At times when I see all the money ( greed ) and power games in The Premier League and Championship , I'd like to be a supporter of a smaller , lower league club ( Notts County Fans will think me mad as they risk dropping out all together) Whilst I can't go ( and sadly Forest are a very limited disabled person friendly club) , being involved with the Supporters Trust still brings the ' belonging ' , community side - and meeting people I'd otherwise never meet. We had the Ladies Team Manger as speaker at AGM last night - he is WBA fan and managed their Ladies Team too. Quite a character. Forest Ladies set up is very very friendly and community orientated and they play not too far from where I live - so maybe I can start going to watch ( and try and not volunteer for hundreds of things ) . Have a nice day - chilly and damp in North East Nottinghamshire

Lindsay6 profile image
Lindsay6 in reply to Angela-H

I was thinking of you on Saturday - and so disappointed Wolves equalised in 93rd minute !

Angela-H profile image
Angela-H in reply to Lindsay6

Thanks Lindsay! Not that I go to football matches, but I do like to hear about my local team on Radio Shropshire.

How are you? Much better I hope..........


Angela xx

Lynne-H profile image
Lynne-H in reply to Lindsay6

OOh Lindsay your stress levels must be through the roof.

Hope your father is ok - comes to us all, doesn`t it, with our parents - I know what it`s like although my parents passed on many years ago.

We`ll see what happens with the footie tomorrow - Stoke beat Leeds last week so maybe things are looking up. Well we can live in hope !!

You take care. Love Lynne xx

Jimmuck profile image

Hi Lindsay. You're not selfish at all and don't think you are. It would take a saint not to have a moan from time to time about having tinnitus and I should know, as I moan about it all the time to my long suffering better half! It's good to get things off your chest now and again rather than bottle your feelings up and pretend everything is okay when they are actually not, so keep the posts coming. If we know you're having a bad time then at least we can try and help. Hope you're feeling a bit better soon. All the best...

Lindsay6 profile image
Lindsay6 in reply to Jimmuck

Hi. Thank you . It helps to know that others find they need to share how they are feeling - I feel that we are not allowed to because it is just a noise and it's not that bad , and it might upset others with tinnitus . I think living on my own , being the strong one for others for so many years hasn't helped. I do have great friends - 2 in particular who understand and they have ME . I think not being able to rest is the worst thing . Thank you again for taking to time to send best wishes.

Barbara-C profile image

Don’t be sorry Lindsay you have every right to moan . I imagine there are more people on this site who cannot cope and welcome comforting words. Thinking of you be strong x

Lindsay6 profile image
Lindsay6 in reply to Barbara-C

Thank you . The best support and comfort comes from those who understand , as well as my great friends and stubborn character !

Joeb17 profile image

No I see where your coming from it’s nice to see good posts but there are people out there not coping I don’t cope some days and find when I read about people not coping as well makes me not alone so if negative posts gets read and then someone can help then that’s a good thing.

Lindsay6 profile image
Lindsay6 in reply to Joeb17

Thank you . And ' negative' is realistic at times. Pretending everything is ' hunky dorey ' ( what a phrase ) isn't healthy and puts additional pressure , and can make people feel alone - I am so grateful for these replies because at times it can feel even amongst people with tinnitus , I can not be myself. Thanks again .

Angela-H profile image

Hi Lindsay,

I do like your photo and your smile covers your distress well 😀

When I acquired my unwelcome friend - 4 years ago this month - the BTA forum was a godsend (also the Quiet magazine). Of course I read and re-read all of the positive posts, but it was comforting to know that I wasn’t alone with this painful beast. So I think that all posts should be welcomed on here, provided they are friendly of course. The feelings of isolation that can accompany T don’t help and thank goodness for this forum.


Angela xx

Lindsay6 profile image
Lindsay6 in reply to Angela-H

Spot on Angela, thanks . Even the strongest of us welcome being understood , and not being criticised for saying it as it is. I am still very much doing things as best I can , but can not pretend my tinnitus is not worse . I hope you are ok - depsite the weather . Thanks again.

Julia1jasper profile image

Hey Lindsay

You are not bein negative at all. I joined this forum very recently and from what I can see it's to share experiences and also to ask Dor and give help to one another. I've only posted a few things but I think that everyone is here just to support each other. If want look at my introduction I did when first joined that kinda explains me but I can really identify with you and it must be terrible acquiring this damn thing having never had it previously and I know how utterly distracting and distressing it can be. I've had really loud t all life and very often just switches to high pitch siren mode. When I realised (early adulthood/teenager) that no one else had a swarm of bees or worse going on I went through a period where I felt so irritated/annoyed/desperate I felt like I wanted to chop me head off. I slowly learned strategies to cope and later learned had got significant hearing loss probably from birth. That explained a lot as was never tested as kid. In some ways this helped as there was a reason for it and over time have gone back to just accepting it cos it is and has been part of me for ever. Sound flippant and I apologise for that but I know it's not something that can be easy to live with. I've got aids now and wether use or not it's like the t just competes with every external sound but is always there and like said ramps up and sometimes takes a day or 2 to return to the normal swarm of bees. Keep using the forum cos I found that sharing with others somehow helps and no one minds helping or chatting if things get so bad. If everyone was happy with iit there wouldn't be a need for such things. I wish you well and do keep in touch cos it helps me too as it ain't all easy for me at times but I have managed to accept it now and in the main it don't worry me. I hope you'll be able to work out strategies and be able to accept this damn thing.

Sending warm and bright blessings

Julia x🐈😻🐾🐾🐾

Lindsay6 profile image
Lindsay6 in reply to Julia1jasper

Thank you so very much for sharing - it's not at all flippant , but spot on. Like the others who so kindly have done it makes such a huge difference , I feel less alone and less a failure for not having ' got rid of it' as I think sometimes we are expected to write , or not having totally ignored it . This forum when its good , is indeed great - I've ' known ' a few members including the lovely Angela and lovely Lynne for a while and like now a few new people . It does help that some people here understand that for some of us it is really loud and doesn't ease off - but it doesn't mean we should be castigated or described as negative. My friends say I am am one of the strongest and most determined people they know - and my audiologist says there's many she sees who struggle with a lot less ' severe' / debilitating tinnitus than I . But that doesn't mean that I do not still have a very loud screech in my ears , and electricity shooting through my brain 24/7 . I don't think we should have to deny it , pretend it is ok and easy when it isn't . Just as I don't deny I am only 4 ft 11 and a Nottingham Forest fan ! Yes , we carry on - have nice things and hard things to manage , but having tinnitus so loud makes things harder and it's just nice that people understand. When we say it's sunny and cold - it doesn't mean we are being negative, just describing the weather . Best stop waffling ! Thanks again.

Lindsay6 profile image

Don't know how to reply as a group / in one go to the lovely people who have been so kind to reply - so have done it individually . All of you have been great - and reading this morning ( having had a day yesterday ' sorting' my Dad having been admitted to hospital on Tuesday night) has been a real tonic. Thanks folks !

Angela-H profile image
Angela-H in reply to Lindsay6

Bless you Lindsay, how I wish the lovely folk on this forum lived more near to each other! The friendly and supportive posts helped so much more than anything else. Unless someone I follow has posted, I visit the forum just once a week, but I feel comforted knowing it is here and I can chat to “my community”.

Love and best wishes,

Angela xx

Julia1jasper profile image

Hey Lindsay

I agree totally cos we wouldn't be here sharing our good and bad times and asking and giving help if we had no reason and every day was wonderful. I certainly have my off days when I wish the bees in me head would buzz off and leave me in peace and didn't have to battle to make sense of stuff over the racket they make. Am just grateful tho that have got in a place where I've just accepted and so don't focus on it and get so dams angry and frustrated with it. Also o be able to talk freely with others who know. I went thro a spell wen was told of my hearing loss and that not everyone heard bees screaming and alarms going off 24/7 and frustration is the most polite word I can use to describe how it made me feel. I still feel embarrassed and rarely discuss with fri nds as most prob know very little about it and over the times have had have comments like '.you flipping deaf or summat? Bit unfair of me cos have great friends and slowly the embarrassment has diminished and got round to explaining self. It is good to share tho and it's great I found this forum as everyone seems so supportive when others are having a bad time of it. No doubt I'll be piping up at times when am feeling less than happy about it and it's great we can do that cos bet even the best of us have many days we wish it would just give us a bit of peace n quiet.

Big hugs J 🐈🐾🐾

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