I am searching for someone with tinnitus who has taken mindfulness-based cognitive therapy that has been adapted for tinnitus by the British tinnitus association.
MBCT for Tinnitus : I am searching for someone... - Tinnitus UK
MBCT for Tinnitus
Good question. I was looking for that info.myself . I called the bta and tjry didn't give me any info. Disappointed.
Thanks for the reply. I have been busy lately and have failed to check this. Sorry. About 18 months ago I suffered a sudden, unexplained, almost total hearing loss in my left ear. Tinnitus was one of the first things I noticed, but I didn't know it was tinnitus! My tinnitus is metallic roaring with changing sounds within this primary sound. My tinnitus hasn't changed since the moment it started. And yes, I have had MRI to check for tumors. Nothing. I can sleep. And sometimes I do just want to fall into sleep forever, to be away from the sound. I would like to know about your tinnitus. Everyone has such a different experience. I'm looking for others who have a similar history and tinnitus sound as myself.
Sorry, ive not tried that.
Hi there,
'The Tinnitus Clinic' run CBT and other type of programmes. I haven't been to any but they may be of use: thetinnitusclinic.co.uk/tin...
I was also looking at 'The Mindfulness Project'. They run one day or 8 week courses. Again, not tried, but I am thinking of investigating further.
Thanks for the reply. I have been busy lately and have failed to check this. Sorry. About 18 months ago I suffered a sudden, unexplained, almost total hearing loss in my left ear. Tinnitus was one of the first things I noticed, but I didn't know it was tinnitus! My tinnitus is metallic roaring with changing sounds within this primary sound. My tinnitus hasn't changed since the moment it started. And yes, I have had MRI to check for tumors. Nothing. I can sleep. And sometimes I do just want to fall into sleep forever, to be away from the sound. I would like to know about your tinnitus. Everyone has such a different experience. I'm looking for others who have a similar history and tinnitus sound as myself.
I have taken the course at the royal ent in London under Laurence mc kenna a 8 week mindfulness course
Would you mind telling us how you got on with it...has it helped you?. Are you aware if they are going to roll it out anywhere else in the UK. Getting a tinnitus specific mindfulness course anywhere other than London seems to be impossible. Hope your doing ok btw.
Shellipops , you are right....i was looking and found a dead end. When i contacgted the BTA they didnt tell me anything to help me.
Think the course Hazy has been on is the "pioneer" so to speak. I dont know if Im allowed to post links but this university article gives good information on it.
Im curious as to whether it will be rolled out across other hospitals.
Hi all happy to help, the course lasted 8 weeks, I did it with other tinnitus suffers, I was in a very bad place when I started the course in April, I’m in a much better place, but iv still not habituated , I practise twice a day once in morning and before bed it def helps reduce and anxiety and depression , I’m also non antidepressants and use white noise generators
She shout if you need any more info or have any questions
Aww cheers Hazy, brilliant you are in a better place, you sound a lot better too x
Thing is I can get an 8 week mindfulness course locally and CBT seperately, neither are T specific though, I know the point is to focus on the T whilst meditating and Im now at the stage where if I awake during the night, I can drift off again without my Sound Oasis on. From what you know now do you think its possible to get the same benefit from mindfulness alone.I believe the "magic" comes from the regular meditation. I havent yet but will email to see if its to be rolled out anywhere "up north"
Thanks again and bloody fabulous ure doing better.
Hi Shelly , during the course we would mainly meditate then talk about how it went afterwards, there was a little cbt but out of all the treatments in tried I believe this will be of benefit I. The long term, if I was anyone and could not get it on the nhs I’d pay to do a mindfulness course, as it been
Proven to shrink the part of the brain fear and anxiety comes from. Yes it all about acceptance too, saldly thete is no quick fix, and you have to practise every day to get any results, but I’m feeling a lot calmer 5 monthes on please shout if yuh Ned any more info, people in the course also reported better sleep, I do the body scan it’s guided and takes about 40 mins
Excellent Hazy thanks for that its extremely helpful x....defo way forward for me. 8 week small group course in Glasgow is in region of 180 quid...rough guide for anyone else considering it.
Ohhh I do actually think Im feeling a wee bit optimistic (cd possibly be wind tho !!🙄)
Tnx and hope your progress continues x
This this the sound cloud mediations I use the hospital gave us the link, good luck really hope it helps you x