I have been on T4 for underactive thyroid for 20 years, taking 150/125 mcg alternate days. My recent annual test of T4 and TSH showed a very low TSH (0.03) and high T4 (24) - I don't have the ref. ranges. T3 was not tested, and I have had to ask for this to be done next time. I have always felt that the synthetic thyroxin did not make me feel as healthy as before my diagnosis, but recently I have realised that some of the symptoms I currently have (feeling the cold, overheating, tired, find it hard to motivate myself... I could go on) are very likely to be due to my thyroid condition.
The GP I saw has agreed to repeat the tests in 3 months' time (- in the meantime I am on 125mcg levothyroxine), along with requesting that the lab does a T3 test as well as kidney, liver and full blood count tests.
I am wondering if I am not converting T4 to T3. Do my tests suggest that? If the next round of tests don't help, I will probably try T3 myself. Any thoughts please?