I have always been told that it is likely that my hypothyroidism was caused by taking lithium for several years. I maintain I was borderline hypothyroid long before that and that this was the cause of my mental health problems in the first place. As a result of their thinking, I was told I didn't need antibodies testing last time I asked. I was also told "the treatment's the same anyway so it doesn't matter".
The last few days have led me to wonder whether I actually have hashimoto's. A couple of years ago it was suspected I had RA and/or lupus but the tests came back negative. My GP at the time was half decent and said that we should check every year as negative results don't mean that I don't have one or more autoimmune conditions (yet they won't test thyroid antibodies - some peoples' logic leaves a lot to be desired).
Anyway, to cut a long (and rather boring) story short, I have had a sudden flare up of joint pain/inflammation which has coincided with extreme tiredness and appalling eczema. I also have a lump in my throat which I didn't realise had gone until it just came back. My voice is also a little more hoarse than usual and my eyes are dry and slightly sore.
I have been feeling so much better since switching to NDT, and I think I am still feeling a lot better than I was on levo in many ways, but this is a very sudden change that is quite different from the usual dip after an increase in NDT.
I would appreciate any feedback from anyone who knows about this sort of thing. I will ask again for thyroid antibodies next time I see my GP but I'm sure I will be told the tests are unnecessary
Sorry for the long essay and thanks for any insight you can provide
Carolyn x