Any link between blood type and thyroid? I just wondered as I just read an article on Facebook about the origin of people with rhesus negative blood. I then recalled having to have injections when I was pregnant so my antibodies didn't attack my foetus. Anyone heard of any correlation with Hashimoto's? Wonder how many of us on here are rh negative?
Hashimoto's and rhesus negative blood type? - Thyroid UK
Hashimoto's and rhesus negative blood type?

I think thyroid disease is common in Japan where there are hardly any rhesus negative blood groups.
Hi BBBOA. This is an interesting theory and one I am curious to learn more about. My blood-type is A-negative and i have thyroid disease. I did read the first reply re Japan and as there are so many known and unknown triggers for thyroid problems perhaps the reason for their high numbers could possibly have (as yet uncovered) a connection to iodine as fish make up a large part of their diet. I don't have answers but maybe someone is doing research. Hope so. irina1975
Im rhesus negative was diagnosed in 2015 x
I'm O rhesus negative. I remember my mother saying something about her and my dad being rh negative/positive and she had to have some sort of injection because of this? I must admit I never took much notice but I'm really interested now!
I'm O negative
I, for one, am O negative.... and having a terrible time right now
I’m rhesus positive but my mother was O negative. The injection was not available when I was a baby so I was what was known as a ‘blue baby’ . I had 2 blood transfusions in my first few days of life. Amongst Hashimoto’s I have 3 other autoimmune disorders that are diagnosed and generally my blood test results bump along the bottom of the sea bed. It’s an interesting thought that I’ve always wondered as out of 8 siblings 7 have autoimmune disease the one that doesn’t had a different father
My cousin was a blue baby but doesn't have any obvious medical problems (certainly not thyroid) and didn't as a child either
Ditto ~ my mum was rh neg and I had the blood transfusions too ~ I'm also riddled with AI disorders!😕 I was only 2lb 2oz ~ I did pretty well considering it was the 1950's! And my mum was 48! Midwife said "just keep her warm (it was December) and then she put me in a shoebox! 😱. I have a photo of said box! My mum had AI's and all of my 5 aunties ~ I didn't stand a chance I suppose! I didn't see the fb item, but just thought I'd add my two penneth to this thread. x
I’m RH Negative, and supposed to be an alien from outer space.
Was that the article you saw on fb? I read that yesterday and shared it.
When I first gave blood in 1981, I was Rh D neg, a few years later blood groups were reclassified and they put me in blood group A.
Negative donor, but Positive recipient was on my blood card.
(Oddly enough I have always wondered if that was the reason I could never conceive. We had all the tests going at the time including a laparoscopy, but no reason was ever found. My husband always used to tell me I was killing his soldiers! he doesn’t know his blood group but I have a sneaking suspicion that he might be RH positive and my body could have been rejecting because of a possible problem. He never had his blood group tested even when they ran the usual tests on him).
I'm O Rh.Negative, so perhaps there might be a reason for a poll to see whether we can do a small scientific survey on any connection...
I had to have the Anti-D jab after the birth of each of my 4 children so that any antibodies my body made during the pregnancy of a Rh.Positive baby wouldn't attack the next baby...
My cousin is AB- and doesn't have any thyroid problems. I am AB+ and I do, but not Hashis.
I’m o negative with anti k, last pregnancy you was a nightmare. Had anti d jab but there’s nothing for anti k. I have undractive thyroid but there’s a disagreement with hospital and gp wether I have hashi’s. Will get a private test soon to confirm, so when I suddenly went over treated on Levo and then again When she dropped me down my gp refuses to believe it could be hashi’s giving a false reading.
Blood Type O neg with Hashi's
My mom was A2 positive
My father was B2 negative
I am B2 negative
It said that the girl will take the father’s blood, and the boy, the mother’s
I am hypo, as my mom
Great to learn more !
o positive with Hashimotos autoimmune hypothyrodism
a negative and hashi hypo
O negative, hypo but no Hashi’s
B neg with Hashi’s
I'm O -ve too - (with hypothyroidism) - I think all babies take their father's blood group? My son and daughter are both 0+
O Rhesus Negative with Hashimotos
I'm A-Neg and have 100% Hashi's Curse, also severely hypo and obese on a very limited diet but Drs won't give me T3 or restore my thyroxine to previous levels as "my T4 blood results are mid-range". Grrr I feel ill !
O pos with hashimotos too !
A negative and have Hashimoto’s
I'm hypothyroid and B-negative
O positive and had Hashimoto's before TT.
Interested in knowing if there is any correlation. My theory is the electromagnetic soup we now live in. Of course we would have to know the distribution of Hashimoto's from about the 1950's and earlier before we could make a comparison. But that's just my theory.
I am in US and have hashimotos and neg blood type, which is very rare here too.
I am RH negative, diagnosed with Hashimotos in Jan 2017.
I’m O negative - but have Graves’. Was the connection to Hashi’s specifically, or autoimmune disease.
Funny enough I was wondering about this question. I am O neg - the other thing I was wondering about was does anyone else have a problem taking anti-biotics? I cannot take any 'normal' antibiotics (yet another lifelong battle with doctors). It finally took the School of Tropical Medicine in Liverpool to discover that quinine based anti B's are fine for me but regular ones could kill me.
I am RH negative as well and am interested in the same. I have struggled with this disease for 17 years,and I cannot say that it is getting any better.
I was thinking about the possibility of a connection today. I am Rhesus negative, and so was my late mother . I am one of four children the only rhesus negative child. I have three children and only one is rhesus negative. My mum had an UAT ( I don’t know for certain if she had hashimotos), but I do and my middle daughter who is rh neg has UAT.
We all had to have injections to prevent us rejecting babies.
Does anyone also have e multiple drug allergies?
Does anyone notice that the thyroid medications have adverse reactions being rh negative that’s the problem I face the least little change to the formulation and I’m feeling sick.
Thank you I just was wondering if I was only one like that. What have you found the works or that you can tolerate? I’ve tried most all.
I'm not on Levothyroxine at the moment. But need to be. In allergy clinic as we speak to discuss options! Please let me know what you have tried.
Years ago I was on levothyroxine and was doing good but then they stopped making it at the time back in the 80s so then I went on Synthroid and didn’t do well changed over to Armour Thyroid and did wonderful till 2009 when they reformulated it and it’s been a battle ever since. I do well for a while then they change something about the pill and I’m searching again for something I can tolerate. I’ve tried Armour Thyroid, NP Thyroid,Naturethroid,wp Thyroid, Erfa, have to change when they mess up the pills.
Hi I have same question I am b negative and same happened in pregnancy
Yeah A- with hashimotos here. I'm also wheat Intollerent. It sux. I live sick. If I could change anything about my life, it would be this. Was on one thyroid nec, but it made me worse within 24 hours. It had gluten in it. With such a big thyroid-gluten link, you wonder why they put it in in the first place.
I’m O- with hashimotos. Seems like they go hand in hand. I have been told very strange things from doctors and stories in my family are pretty weird. Possibly some kind of alien or mutation or government experiment for sure.
Yes I’m A-ve too