Hello there
I'd really appreciate your help. My husband has been poorly for some time with joint pain, fatigue, sore throat, irritability, palpitations, and many more symptoms from the list on the Thyroid UK website. We have been monitoring his basal temp for some time and it is consistently low. We asked his GP if he would do a full thyroid work up. He refused because when my husband last had a TSH done, 5 months ago, it was normal, as was the one before. He said he might repeat that in a few months.
Because my husband is so frustrated at being ill and feeling so appalling all the time, and because he runs his own business and is terrified he won't be able to work if this continues, we paid to have thyroid tests done by Genova Diagnostics.
We now have the results but are a bit confused as they are not what we expected, but they do show some low levels. I'll detail them below:
TT4 - 80.1 (58 - 154)
TSH - 1.45 (0.4 - 4.0)
FT4 - 11.7 (10 - 22) Low
FT3 - 5.94 (2.8 - 6.5)
FT4:FT3 Ratio - 2.0 (2.0 - 4.5) Low
RT3 - not done
TG < 20.0 (0 - 40)
TPO < 10.0 (0 - 35)
Having poked about online it looks possible that these results could be classed as secondary hypothyroidism, but I'm really not sure.
Any help, opinions or advice would be gratefully received.
Many thanks.