Myxedema- The forgotten Test for Hypothyroidism. - Thyroid UK

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Myxedema- The forgotten Test for Hypothyroidism.

ravenhex profile image
45 Replies

Was given a link to this article. Some of the extracts below. Make for shocking yet interesting reading.

for one its almost a relief to read in print what I am and suffering with. It is like somebody has actually sat down and not only listened but wrote it down and actuallly researched Hypothyrodism.

More horrifying is I can see my children in this article.

Link =


Myxedema - The forgotten test for Hypothryrodism.

In 1878, Dr. William Ord performed an autopsy on a middle-aged woman who succumbed to hypothyroidism. Upon cutting into her skin, he saw tissues that were thickened and boggy. The tissues appeared to be waterlogged, but no water seeped from his incisions. Dr. Ord realized this disease was unique and previously unrecognized.

Dr. Ord summoned a leading chemist named Halleburton to help identify the substance causing the swelling. What they found was an abnormally large accumulation of mucin. Mucin is a normal constituent of our tissues. It is a jelly-like material that spontaneously accumulates in hypothyroidism. Mucin grabs onto water and causes swelling. Dr. Halleburton found 50 times the normal amount of mucin in the woman’s skin. Her other tissues also contained excess mucin.

The doctors coined the term myxedema. Myx is the Greek word for mucin and edema means swelling. Myxedema was adopted as the medical term for hypothyroidism.

The edema or swelling associated with hypothyroidism usually begins around the face, particularly above or below the eyes and along the jaw line. However, the skin on the side of the upper arms may be thickened early in the course of the disease. The swelling associated with hypothyroidism is firm and will eventually spread throughout our body’s connective tissues.

One of the many functions of connective tissue is to help hold our bodies’ organs and structures together. Connective tissue lines our blood vessels, nervous system, muscles, mucous membranes, the gut, as well as each and every cell in our glands and organs. Abnormal accumulation of mucin in these tissues causes swelling and significantly impairs normal function.

This type of swelling is unique to hypothyroidism. Medical textbooks about hypothyroidism state that myxedema is thyroprival (pertaining to or characterized by hypothyroidism) and pathognomonic (specifically distinctive and diagnostic). Translation: if the thickened skin of myxedema is present, you have hypothyroidism. Normal skin is relatively thin, and you may easily lift it with your thumb and index finger. If you look, you’ll find a number of people whose skin is almost impossible to lift. This is due to the marked swelling and glue-like infiltration of mucin in the skin and underlying tissues that result from hypothyroidism. Women’s skin usually has slightly more subcutaneous fat than men. Hence, their skin tends to be thicker. There are many different degrees of myxedema.

Unfortunately, even if your skin is of normal thickness, you may still have hypothyroidism. It is only one of many signs of this condition. This diagnostic clinical finding has been forgotten, usurped by the almighty thyroid blood tests. Mucin is a normal constituent of our tissues, and its accumulation is often increased with hypothyroidism. However, the accumulation of mucin may only affect the internal organs and tissues and spare the skin. You may have hypothyroidism despite having normal skin.

Today’s doctors are not taught to examine for thickened skin or other physical manifestations of the illness. Sophisticated thyroid blood tests are purported to be the sole means for making the diagnosis of hypothyroidism. These tests have replaced the patients’ medical histories, complaints, and physical findings upon which the diagnosis was largely based for over half a century before the advent of blood tests.

During the first half of the twentieth century, prior to complete reliance on blood tests to diagnose hypothyroidism, elevated cholesterol was considered one of the hallmarks of hypothyroidism. In 1934, Dr. Hurxthal found cholesterol levels were very closely related to basal metabolic rate. However, since then, research showed there were many hypothyroid people, both young and old, with normal or lower than normal cholesterol levels.

An extremely prevalent symptom of hypothyroidism is a lowering of body temperature. The low temperature is a direct reflection of decreased metabolism. In a 1915 medical journal article, the author, Dr. Eugene Hertoghe, stated, “Hypothermia is an almost invariable accompaniment of even the slighter forms of thyroid insufficiency. Such patients, the younger ones more particularly, complain of chilliness of the hands and feet; they never feel warn, even in bed.” Dr. Ord, the doctor who named the illness in 1877, stated, “The temperature of the body is generally below normal, 97 or 96 degrees Fahrenheit being a common record; and the patients are extremely sensitive to cold.” Hypothyroidism is not the only problem that may lower the patients’ temperature, but it is definitely the most common.

Eugene Hertoghe MD began his work in the late nineteenth century and devoted much of his energy to the study of hypothyroidism. Dr. Hertoghe was the first doctor to recognize the prevalence of mild forms of the illness. Drs Hertoghe and Hermann Zondek described numerous symptoms and physical characteristics of hypothyroidism, many of which have vanished from today’s textbooks.

The signs observed more or less regularly are:

General indolence and inertia, lassitude, constipation, anorexia, tendency to fat deposits especially around the hips and above the mons veneris (pubic bone), deep depression of the root of the nose, delayed dentition and caries (tooth decay), chilly sensation, dry skin, swelling and pallor (paleness), of the mucous membranes, enlarged tongue, rheumatoid pains, sometimes in the joints, oppressive feelings and convulsive pains in the cardiac region. Skeletal changes are common, particularly scoliosis and general contraction of the pelvis. Chronic deforming changes in the joints are observed.

Sleep apnea is also listed in medical texts among the symptoms resulting from hypothyroidism. In medical textbooks, iron deficiency anemia and vitamin B12 deficiency are associated with hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism may not cause any mental disturbance. The mental changes may be mild or only become evident at a much later age. However, statistics show mental problems are beginning earlier and increasing in severity. Suicide is now the third leading cause of death among 10 to 24 year-old Americans.

There is a long list of mental problems linked to hypothyroidism. Many of these mental infirmities are no longer linked to hypothyroidism in the newer literature. Nervousness and irritability are common as are apathy and listlessness. Problems with memory or problems performing tasks, which were done previously without effort, are additional signs.

Many other serious conditions are possible. Delusions, hallucinations (both auditory and visual), and frank insanity are just a sample. In spite of pronounced signs of the condition, many people retain their memory, judgment, and other mental faculties intact. But with progress of the disease these, too, are impaired. Not uncommonly, the emotions become unbalanced, occasionally genuine psychosis develops. The person may then become depressed or, more rarely, maniacal and have outbreaks of passion, rage, and even fury. Various forms of distressing obsessions have been recorded as well.

Melanomas are by far the deadliest form of skin cancer. People who have a large number of moles are at increased risk. In the original 1888 report, abundant moles and warty growths on the skin were noted physical findings associated with hypothyroidism. Moles are often developed, especially on the trunk. Moles tend to be hereditary affectations.

The persistent dogma continues to blame sunburns for the explosion of melanomas. However, unlike most skin cancers, melanomas often occur in areas that receive little sun such as the palms, soles of the feet, toes, vulva, vagina, esophagus, anus, or inside the mouth. The principal underlying problem appears to be Type-2 hypothyroidism and iodine deficiencies.


Rest of the article is here. Shocking but interesting reading. Some parts maybe useful in re-educating certain unhelpful Drs.

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ravenhex profile image
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45 Replies
marram profile image

That is just eye-opening! I have or have had most of these symptoms after my thyroid was removed in 1982 but most especially after the doctor reduced my thyroxine from 150 to 100 on the basis of the TSH test. The most encouraging part was that the enlarged heart (which I now have in the last year) can reduce in size following optimal treatment. I wish my GP could see this but I know he would not even be prepared to look at it.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to marram

This is an extract from Dr Lowe on reducing thyroid meds:-

Dr Lowe: Your observations don’t suggest to me that your pituitary gland isn’t functioning properly. In fact, your observations are consistent with what science tells us about a patient's T4 dose, her TSH level, and her metabolic health or lack of it. If the goal of a doctor is metabolic health for his patient, he has no scientific basis for adjusting her thyroid hormone dose by her TSH level. If the doctor is going to make the imprudent choice of treating the patient with T4 (rather than T3 or a T3/T4 combination), he should be aware of the relevant physiology and treat her on the basis of it. Otherwise, he's likely to ruin her health, as your doctor appears to be doing to yours.

marram profile image
marram in reply to shaws

I realise that the doctor is almost totally responsible for my poor health since I retired and moved home (changing doctor at the same time) but I also know that not only would he refuse to admit it but if I tried to prove it, most of the medical profession would back HIM up and not me.

How else could you explain that from the age of 37 to the age of 60 I was working full time (had 2 jobs at one time and was functioning fine on 150mcg Levothyroxine (thank goodness I do not appear to be one of the unlucky ones on that score)

How else can you explain that I had a health test at 60 in January 2005 and got a clean bill of health, including heart tests, plus cholesterol of 4.7, and yet when the Levo was reduced in November 2005 I started having TIAs, AF, 'Fibromyalgia', 'Chronic Fatigue', and cholesterol 9.7 (he told me it was 'Familial Hyperlipidaemia') in January 2006? Plus, in November last year, an enlarged heart?

My doctor has said things like: 'What came first, the chicken or the egg?' (referring to my depression, which is apparently making me ill, not the other way round) and: 'Some people are just tired.' (referring to my chronic fatigue) and: 'You have to get old some day.' (when I said I felt 85 not 65)

I live in a village and there is no other surgery for miles.

What I do know is I moved home at 60 in reasonably good health and I am now a wreck, 8 years later. What an a***hole.

Sorry about kicking off like that but it really makes me want to spit in someone's eye. Better to have a rant on Thyroid UK Support!


in reply to marram

Hi Marram, I live in a quite remote village and I'm getting really poor treatment from the GP's there. I just think there's more ignorance to be honest. The TSH certainly rules here. My previous GP I think realised that she had screwed my health up and backed everything that Dr Skinner had suggested. To these country GP's he's been labelled a "quack" and it's so obvious they never read Dr Skinner's letters. I've had to take a sod them attitude, and with Dr Skinner's supervision I've changed my treatment.

For instance one of his letters asked them to refer me for surgery for a problem I have because of years of constipation followed by months of diarrhea. Nothing done. I've just had a kidney scan due to pain and abnormal (for me) amounts of blood in my urine. The scan showed a lot of scarring, a cyst in the right kidney, and scarring and "flecks" in the left, more stones I think. I have read this morning on someones blog that a poor blood supply caused by hypo can lead to scarring and kidney failure. The silence from my GP's is deafening...

in reply to

It's this blog sorry!

marram profile image
marram in reply to

It is so frustrating and infuriating that we have answers and they still want to make ifs and buts. Whatever happened to that bit of the hippocratic oath which says 'First, do no harm'? Apparently that no longer is the case, and also only 50% of doctors in the UK ever actually swear any kind of oath anyway! (Wikipedia)

I cannot afford a private consultation, but, to be honest, I really don't need one as my needs are very simple, I just need the amount of thyroxine which the endo established in 1982 after my total thyroidectomy, which was 150mcg. It was gradually adjusted for a whole year after which he told me I was optimally medicated and nothing should need to change, I had no thyroid left and so long as I felt well there would be no problem! He was, indeed, absolutely right!

Yet my GP 23 years later felt the need to tinker with my meds on the basis of the TSH. He was totally incredulous when I said that the endo got me feeling well again before actually bothering to test me again. But that IS the case, I did not have to keep having blood tests every month like this GP does!

I actually felt like saying to him 'For goodness' sake stop looking at the computer and look at ME!' I'd better shut up now as I am hijacking this blog!

I do hope that you will be able to get sorted especially the Kidneys, that is really worrying for you.

PS love the profile pic. When I was at my most hypo someone called me a fat cow...I was devastated.

Marie XX

in reply to marram

Hi Marram, What is your position now? are you still on the lower dose and suffereing because of it? I have had to be a bit devious with my meds. I try and order early so I get a slight build up in supplies, therefore at the moment I'm maintaining my 200 mcg dose. It's a shame you have to be like this. I'm being supervised on that dose, the GP is only willing to go up to 175mcg however, no examination of course. They even sent my blood test results to an endo I've never seen in my life who wrote back CUT. Within 24hours I had double vision and feeling terrible.

I can't afford the fees and costs of medication, but like you I've developed heart problems and I think if I just stick with the GP he/she is going to send me to an early grave. I did have symptoms of heart failure before I consulted Dr S, who put my dose up from 75mcg to 200mcg.

I love highland cows, hence the profile pic! I'm fat too, but if anyone called me fat cow I'd take them out, lol. Sorry you are having such a terrible time, but I wouldn't accept what you idiot GP is doing to you. I don't advocate self medicating but when your life is at risk, what are you supposed to do?? XXX

marram profile image
marram in reply to

I am on 125 at the moment after what could almost be called a confrontation with the GP. with me insisting that he restore me to the dosage I was well on. That was on 2nd December, and I can already see improvement - mostly mental to tell the truth - I am much more the upbeat, positive individual which I know is the real me.

I have been doing ironing - WHAAT? - which is a major achievement. I have also managed to go out to do a little shopping - alone! - and I have had roughly one in three good nights' sleep rather than spending my nights sitting playing computer games because I've been asleep most of the day.

Whereas before everything was just too much bother, now, I get on and do things without moaning. Until about three in the afternoon. Then I crash. Which is a huge improvement on the 11am crash I used to suffer.

Another thing is that people I haven't seen for a while keep saying wow, you look well, and you look thinner, especially the face. One said they could see my chin which they could not before, and my face is no longer pale and yellowish. And that is after just about three months. I'm due to have another (!) TSH test on Monday and then see the GP again on Friday. Let's hope he does not go back on his word to restore the rest of the 150. If he does refuse, I may go the self-medicating route. If I was well for 23 years on 150 why should it have changed?

Oh - and I am starting to lose weight not just the puffiness. It's only about 2lb per month but that's fine by me. Down from 11st 9llbs to 11st 3lbs. Only another 3 stone to go - as if!

The palpitations have not completely gone but even there I feel positive, as It happens less frequently.

Yes, I love highland cattle, too.

Marie XX

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to marram

You are right to be angry with the GP causing all your ill-health due to their complete ignorance of how to treat hypothyroidism. Especially due to the fact that you were doing fine on levo.

They are so bent on keeping people 'within range' and raising/lowering meds rather than listening to their patients complaining of awful symptoms. They are completely unaware of the damage they are doing with regards to the patients' health - prescribing for different ailments which are probably all thyroid gland connected.

jodyel profile image
jodyel in reply to marram

Buy your own meds off the Internet and stop going to the doc. You know what works for you so just get it and be done with it. I just purchased mine at the lowest dose to start with and a 90-day supply was $10USD. No excuse not to take your health into your own hands. Good luck.

marram profile image
marram in reply to jodyel

This is a three year old post, jodyel. I have been talking Liothyronine (T3) only for just over two years.

jodyel profile image
jodyel in reply to marram

Good deal...hope you are doing much better. I am just starting out on my journey so we'll see how it goes. Thanks!

-stefanie- profile image
-stefanie- in reply to jodyel

where do you buy your meds online? I may have to do that shortly if my doctor thinks I should be on a certain dose, but I already know what works for me.

ravenhex profile image
ravenhex in reply to shaws

i so am printing that out Shaws. Ohh now thats going to make me a happy bunny quoting it in front of my GP and stupid Endo.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to ravenhex

Our doctors appear not to know much about Research and how best to treat patientst with thyroid gland problems.

It is a pity for us that Dr Lowe died last year but, in case your GP/Endo wont take notice as he's from the USA) . This is information

This is his extensive C.V which I doubt many could compete with yet the British Thyroid Association ignored his Rebuttal to them.

shaws profile image

Before the TSH was introduced as a diagnosis, doctors were trained in clinical symptoms, of which myxedama was one of the main ones.

richard123 profile image

Great article thanks for sharing

greygoose profile image

I found my whole life in this article! I was going to say that we have severely regressed in medical knowledge since all these discoveries were made but my case proves that doctors have never been very hot on thyroid! For over sixty five years I've have manifested at least a dozen of these symptoms at any given time, and not one of the many doctors I've seen in that time has been capable of picking up on it! What hope for humanity!!!


tulula59 profile image

Fascinating that over 100 years ago they were more in tune than today!

With 7 years of fluted tongue swelling undiagnosed by rheumatologist, gastroenterologist, neurogastroenterologist, cheif dietician, orthopaedics, neurologist and 3 diff GP's - I know that its tissue swelling from hypothyroidism, not because no one else has been able to clarify it but because the only other possibilities have been ruled out. i.e. inheritied angiodema and IgE mediated food allergies!

No-one - no-one has been strong enough to look at this symptom and challenge my blood results. My dropping FT4 at 11.7 and rising TSH of 2.4 are still WITHIN RANGE! Therefore it cannot be thyroid they say.

What they won't do is say, ..... so let's establish what it is then and work with us for a common aim.

I'm on the warpath - make no mistake!

greygoose profile image

The bit I like best is :

'Teaching doctors to better recognize and treat hypothyroidism would eliminate the need for a tremendous amount of laboratory testing or other expensive procedures and tests.'

That is so true! Why can't they see that? It's all just so stupid.

in reply to greygoose

Examining would drag them away from the computer screen which seems to be their comfort blanket. Maybe they think there's less risk of suing if the computer says yes!

I think a lot of it is they want to look super scientific with their bloody blood tests to show how clever they are.

I am so distrustful in blood tests, A few years back I was told my blood was showing no sign of arthritis. I could hardly walk and had to crawl up the stairs, I could hear my bones clunking and grinding. When finally I was sent to an orthopaedic hospital for scans and xrays it showed an awful lot of damage. I was offered knee replacements at 49 years old. I refused as the replacements only last 10 years. I have had surgey on my right knee, the knee cap was so worn the surgeon had to shave bone off and tighten the tendons around my knee to give support. I have arthritis in my fingers, wrists shoulders and spine. I wonder if I would have gotten so bad if I had been believed. So much for blood tests.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to

That's good, Helcaster, a comfort blanket! lol To me it is just incredible that doctors no-longer examin you physically... I don't know.

I quite agree with you about blood tests. In any case, even a fool could tell you that what's important is the patients symptoms, how they feel. But, as far as I can gather, they are taught that all people lie, but blood tests don't. I say that as long as doctors judge, people are going to lie. What could be worse than telling your doctor the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and have them look at you with undisguised disgust as if you'd just crawled out from under a stone.

Blood tests, on the other hand, may not lie, but they don't tell the whole truth. And I'm sure they can be easily corrupted. I used to work in laboritories - nothing to do with medical testing, but I know how things can go wrong.

in reply to greygoose

One of the few consultants I had a really good relationship with admitted that blood test results can be up to 20% inaccurate. Yes they can be a useful tool sometimes, but it's not the whole story!

in reply to

I maybe should add human error and samples not being fresh enough.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to

Or taken at the wrong time of day, or because the patient ate something that affects the results, or he took his tablets, or, or, or... many, many things, I suspect!

in reply to greygoose

Absolutely Grey! I know the medication I take for other stuff upsets blood tests, because it says so on the patient leaflet! I have asked but never get an answer on what effect it does have on results.

You are on your toes today, lol!!

nightingale-56 profile image
nightingale-56 in reply to

Talk about one rule for them and another for us. It is alright for them to use the computer, but they don't like it and think it irrelevant that we do (and manage to find out what is wrong). Brilliant blog and explains so much of my problems lately after antibiotics. A really good day for blogs all round today!

in reply to nightingale-56

Hi yes, double standards rules. I've been around a lot of doctors and only the good ones say, "I'm not sure, I'm going to consult with colleagues, do a bit of reading and get back to you" It's the arrogant so and so's who make assumptions and can't bear to think you may actually have a high IQ and know your stuff. I love taking them to task, and proving they don't have any answers. They truly don't/can't know everything, I am often staggared by their ignorance. Excuse my spelling its awful today :-(( X

Taffhamster profile image
Taffhamster in reply to

Nail on head! I don't expect GPs to have in-depth knowledge of every condition (they are, after all, general practitioners!) :-) But I have so much more respect for one who'll admit they're not sure and do some research when that's the case. I used to have a doctor who listened, and looked up anything she wasn't 100% on. Compare this with the guy I saw about Candida (confirmed by a test I'd brought along to show him). When I mentioned the Herxheimer reaction, his first response was "What?!" like it was some nonsense word I'd made up. Then when I explained what it was, he told me I was "just confusing myself". Basically a put-down to make sure I knew my place. If I'm mistaken and a doctor can tell me exactly why, that's fine. But when they try to make you look stupid to cover up gaps in their knowledge, GRRR!!!

ravenhex profile image
ravenhex in reply to

Wonder if we could ask a hacker to add a scrren saver that pops up with our image, saying welcome this is your patients, the next set of images will show you how to talk to your patient, dont worry compy will still be here. LOL

molly61 profile image

Hi i have recently had a visit to the Docs and came away from there so upset. I went to see the him as i was feeling really bad. I explained everything symptoms etc and said i had also gained another 7lbs, so i thought my levels of TSH may be high again. His response was " no it can't be you were tested in Oct last year and your levels were fine then, its what you are putting in your mouth thats making you put weight on " I nearly burst into tears right away, but instead i shouted at him. I said i think i know my body and my illness better than you i am the one suffering :( I have read lots on Thyroid disease and i want to be treated as i should be.I would like to discuss the fact that Levothyroxine may not be suiting me as i have never felt well for 12 years since i was diagnosed. He laughed and said thats all you can have as dessicated thyroid was ancient and would never be prescribed it,nor would any doctor prescribe t3 either. After this I asked to be refered to Endocrine clinic, he said there was no need i insisted so i am waiting no to see if i can get any further with them !!! So fed up that i a few weeks ago i considered ending it all :( When will we ever get well with uncaring Doctors like him ?

in reply to molly61

Hi Molly, Sorry you're having a rough time. I got my meds cut by 25mcg and put on 5llbs in 2 weeks, my diet didn't change at all. So bloody ignorant aren't they. You stick to your guns about your referral. I've only done nearly 2 years of not getting better on Levo, you must be going insane! Poor you.

I hope you get a change of treatment. HugsX

molly61 profile image
molly61 in reply to

Thank's Helcaster, i have just been retested and my Tsh was 6.5 so i was right i am Hypo again. Not only that they found i am Vit D deficient and i am also Diabetic, i will be treated with diet for the time being though. Further blood tests to be done in April. An increase of Thyroxine to 150 mcg and an appointment in May for Endocrine clinic, so some sucess :) The only thing that is annoying me now is that the reference range for TSH has now been raised to 6.00 so had i been any lower i would not be treated at all, its a blooming scandal :(

in reply to molly61

You know your own body and recognise your symptoms, only to be largely ignored!

So sick of blood tests, they don't reflect at all how we are feeling!

Good luck with everything. X

molly61 profile image
molly61 in reply to

Thank you :) x

asterisk profile image

I get very noticeable myxoedema on face and neck when I start getting hypo.

My GP takes the myxoedema very seriously (along with worsening of other symptoms) and always arranges full thyroid function tests so that we can adjust my meds before I start feeling very ill.

I hate the way the myxoedema makes me look but in a way am pleased to have such an obvious sign as I don't have to fight for appropriate treatment.

You didn't say whether you also get myxoedema; if you do, you may be interested in a book 'Thyroid 2' by an American doctor, Mark Starr. The 'before and after treatment pictures' have prompted me to always take pictures of myself when hypo, then afterwards when the symptoms have been relieved by changing my meds and I'm looking normal again. The change is remarkable, I look a different person.

Reply to this

in reply to asterisk

Having before/after photos is such a good idea. I believe if we are going to start to change attitudes, we have to show GPs evidence of effects of the condition on us and this is one good way to do this. Will do this too.

ravenhex profile image
ravenhex in reply to asterisk

Just googled him and noticed this little gem

Dr. Starr reports that one patient he treated who had numerous symptoms was very disappointed when he told her she needed synthetic thyroid. Says Dr. Starr: "She asked if the goal of treatment was to be switched to desiccated thyroid. I told her the goal for all my patients is that they feel well. Optimal treatment means resolution of hypothyroid symptoms."

Mark Starr, MD is author of "Type 2 Hypothyroidism" and founder of the 21st Century Medical practice in Paradise Valley, Arizona

Beautifulchaos profile image

I have had Malignant Melanoma when i was 27 years old, i'd had my first thyroid function test in the Feb of 1997 and i was told i was borderline. then in the Novemeber of that year i found a mole on my back that turned out to be skin cancer, the worst thing about it was i very rarely sunbathed and i've never been on a sunbed. I'm now wondering if there was a link missed by doctors.

Ever since i was 12/13 i've had menstral problems, I was told at 24 i may never have kids (although thankfully i proved them wrong once). I'm starting to wonder if i'd been showing signs of problems with my thyroid in my teens, but it didn't manifest it's self until after i had my child 16 years ago. My GP would do anything until about 2006.

Beautifulchaos profile image
Beautifulchaos in reply to Beautifulchaos

that should say 'wouldn't'

ravenhex profile image
ravenhex in reply to Beautifulchaos


I dont know if there is or not a link. but its worth looking up.

At best it can give you piece of mind if link or not. At worse it will give your GP and headache from you bashing his desk with the paperwork if there is a link.


You mention menstral cycle issues. I began mensutration and puberty when I was just 7yrs. By the time I left the then Juniors I was fully developed with horrendous periods and mood swings. Not helped as i was the only woman child with big boobs in a class of children.

It wasnt until my daughter started having same sysmptons as me, when she was in her 20's. I recognised myself. Later I learned I was hypo (now Hashis) and she too is hypo. My other 2 appear to be not following so far, other than a trait for bad periods.

More reading later I saw my first daughters who went into early precocious puberty/ reverse puberty aged 5years and symptons ,as very suspcious of thyroid and or B12.

Im short, so are my eldest (being the smalles) and youngest, my middle daughter is 6" More I have now read the more I see the damage I may have caused my children, by my missed diagnosis. i also suspect my later Mum had it too. My Dads Hyper and did get diagnosed until his 60's when he' passed out' but had entered in thyroid coma.

I believe Ive been hypo for many years, starting around my later teens. My current poor health is down to this blinkered view of the Drs with this TSH test, normal range and comfort blanket of their loving keyboard.

ravenhex profile image

I just did a skin test. I'm shocked!

The only think skin, I'm talking a milimetres here, is under my eyes. My hands are next with about 2 mm. My wrists = 1cm. My lower arms we're talking inches. My upper arms I cant pinch the skin at all. I am uttlerly speechless on this.

I did the same test on my OH, he's got normal correct skin measurements. I got him to do the same to me and he was shocked.

I saw on a blog, below, a photo of what the skin should be like, men to women are slightly different but not to the extent of mine is.

Enough is enough now. I most certainly am not taking this any of this nonsense of 'normal ranges' any longer. If normal means OK then I should - Ok too. Not normal = ok, I = living dead.

What I'd like to know and will be aking my GP/ Useless Endo J ust what is the damage done to me, and what damage cannot be undone by the NHS blinkered attitude and have caused it.

SAMBS profile image

?..and what an eye opener  Marram and Shaws. So many of the things Ive myself written over the months, because of the individual to me research,,that have applied to my different health diagnoses, even this long Article on the link. finishing with a comment about the effects of mercury fillings. 

Not every single thing in the article applied to my own health history, but a good 80% +  of it does! I'd say its worth everyone having the time and patience to read, digest and then think about the many things thT have occurred health wise in their own lives,I've had 68 years worth to consider and was event diagnosed as hypothyroid till I was 53. Even till today, despite weighing me and listening to my chest my doctor does not take my temperature! 

He knows I've had recurrent infections including currently my toe nails  have bone deformity, now liver problems, got the blood disorder, had a thrombosis dissolved by foam injection, had the SAH. The non cancerous warts developing over last year or so on my trunk, shown for 1st time at my last appt in March. He just dismissed them. 

The research also states Dr  Hertoghe was involved with it, a name I've seen  mentioned frequently on TUK.  Yes a good link worth everyone's consideration! I wasn't on this community 3 yrs ago, so it's 1st  time I've followed it up. 

MrsWoman profile image

Link Goes to a French website called but no hypothyroid symptoms article

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to MrsWoman

As the original post is over seven years old, it is not surprising that the link no longer works.

I have also tried to find the article on the site without luck.

Commercial sites make commercial decisions - and don't retain things they no longer see as helpful to them.

For that reason, I shall now turn off replies on this post.

The ability to reply to this post has been turned off.

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