Hi, I've been on thyroxine for 12 months now (currently on 100mg) and had a blood test this morning because I've been feeling very cold lately.
Anyway, when I said can you make sure they test for T4 not just TSH the nurse said the lab have stopped testing T4, WTF? How can they do this?
I want to send a letter to the GP practice to complain, is this unreasonable? I know they often 'forget' to test things that have been requested, but to just say an outright 'we no longer test for it' is outrageous! My reducing T4 levels are what got my diagnosis in the first place (with antibodies), we all know we can't look at TSH alone, so why don't they?
I'm in the Portsmouth area and wondering if anyone else has this issue too?
Sorry for the rant, thank you in advance for any responses from a long time lurker :o)