He's apparently 'battling' a thyroid condition that's resulted in him being bloated and having mood swings. He won't go into any more detail.
Bloomin' lucky if he's only got two symptoms to worry about!
He's apparently 'battling' a thyroid condition that's resulted in him being bloated and having mood swings. He won't go into any more detail.
Bloomin' lucky if he's only got two symptoms to worry about!
Obviously, it is simply thyroid.
LOL, good one!
Will be interesting to see whether we hear any more.
From me? You'll be telling me to shut up in a minute!
I've got a thyroid problem, Come to My Aid! I've been Holding Back the Years, now just hoping I Won't Feel Bad. You've Got It? Hey, I guess Something Got Me Started, now We're in This Together. Could it have been The Air That I Breathe? Doctor, can You Make Me Feel Brand New? Stay. No, Go Now.
you could go private but money's too tight to mention
I left a surprising number for others to use!
ha Rod, if you don't know me by now....
sorry for the delay my screen just blew up (he didn't sing that one sorry, but quite catchy really)
heheheeee good one
It would be interesting to know who he has consulted and who told him he would make a full recovery! I certainly hope he does and it would be also be interesting to know what's his medication.
We should send him a link to Thyroiduk.org and then onto Healthunlocked.
Scroll down.
Dyscalculia? So he has a problem with numbers? which ones ... £££££'s these??
Gosh, I used to think he was gorgeous! lol I've aged!!! So, is he suffering from a series of nasty 'side-effects', or would they be symptoms? Surely there's a difference.
you lot are bl00dy brilliant!!!
Gave me a proper giggle.
Sounds like thyroid issues are the ailment of the month!
Ann xx
hehe -well he does have the classic moon face associated with it.....aww poor man....he proabably has yet to find out or have seen the wonderful u tube clips about it! I look forward to his follow up songs about the endos and the doctors and what they said did or didn't do......blue moon... x
He has always had a moon face. My sister was a HUGE fan and had posters all over our shared bedroom.
Me? Cant stand the beggar lol
Lets just hope he's not on this web site looking for some much needed comfort and advice.......give the guy a break.
Absolutely!! Its not his fault he is rich and successful and may I say truly deserved as he is actually a rare breed in this day and age - talanted!
It does not matter where your from or what you earn or what you look like. Illness is illness and none of us deserve it!
if he does find us, we are not taking the Mick, honest, just a little giggle helps everyone, I love his songs and Rod (Rod Stewart) too J
I do enjoy these light-hearted moments!! We really do need more of them. I could of course tell you about the dead crow on my patio ...
Can't say I Iike him at all - if there's no guitar gods then I ain't interested!!
Good suggestion from Shaws - anyone have Twitter?
What? You've got a dead hypo crow?
not Sheryl or Russell surely?
do crows twitter? I meant tweet sorry...
Dead crow spotted on patio near back door. Am terrified of dead birds so tried to ignore it and hoped that the fox would remove it. Nope! Next morning I noticed it had moved to the grass and still definitely dead.
No way could it have moved itself and surely it's too big for a cat? Horrible!
Became totally freaked out by the whole saga and ended up asking chap opposite to remove it. Blood pressure sky high by the whole episode!
Week I've just read that as "dead cow" b4 my eyes were in focus lol. I was thinking what on earth is a dead cow doing on your patio. Lol
meanwhile, another one to add to the recent list. Done.
Oh, missed that. Any idea who is hyper/hypo and their progress?
You've all just brightened up my morning lol x
......looking at the picture posted by Red Apple I can see clearly the two necklace wrinkles on his neck. Something I posted about last Autumn - a diagnostic sign told to me by a Greek girl who was told this by her doctor...I can see you have a thyroid problem - you have two necklace wrinkles ! So who needs blood tests and the like when we have the wisdom of Aristotle's descendants at our fingertips !! Again lighthearted ! x
So I'm now in the mirror. Yes 2 circles. Thought it was age. Lets hope he joins us on here. Lets hope he does, even with money doesn't mean he will get the best advise. Until u join sites like this, you don't realise u can do more to get a better treatment.
Ah, I didn't know that was a sign of thyroid. I only have one necklace wrinkle but have loads of chins so it could be hiding!
....sorry meant Hippocrates ! - will have to go to the back of the class and it's only 9.30am here.....x
Let's face it folks, he has the money to:
a) pay for the very best treatment there is
2) pay someone to cook his meals, clean his house, drive his car, talk to Paperazzi
3) behave like a pop star if this all gets too much for him
When you're that rich symptoms could just seem like side effects.
Now, if he gets to the point that his brain no longer functions, he MIGHT recognise that's a symptom.
All the same, I do wish him the best. After all, he's one of us now.
Hmmm good point - we need him behind us.
Someone send him an invite to the site. BUT delete.. delete .. delete.... FIRST!!...ha ha
First you have to find what the best treatment is, and that's the difficult part. No use just relying on your doctor, no matter how much you pay him. Just look at Oprah!:
Yes I agree. He has to be aware of this site., even mick has to listen to doc.
Must admit I saw him on TV and was shocked at how he looked. Not So Beautiful any more, although he never did Thrill Me, he never did look like an Angel. Still, Something Got Me Started, thinking You've Got it - time to Do the Right Thing and look in Your Mirror - seriously though I do love his music and think he has a great voice, especially live. I can only wish him well, and welcome to the world of the rest of us who are Holding Back the Years the best way we can. Oh, Enough already.
I might wish this illness on my worst enemy, But Mick isn't that and his music has given me a lot of pleasure over the years, so I hope he finds the answer (just join us and let us into the secret if he finds it )
Kanga xx
Good morning all....
You have made me laugh this morning. I like Mick Hucknall and saw him recently on TV. His face did look fatter. I do feel sorry for him though.
My GP is still trying to decide which symptoms of mine belong to which illness! He is excellent and can't know everything and it is difficult. I have PMR, Hypothyroidism and Lymphoma (SLL) all of which have some very similar symptoms - doubled up I think! Not in a good place right npw but you all made me laugh, thank you <33
I all this has been a great read. lol
your not wrong there cinnamongirl!!! Best, Kath
One of my FB friends put a pic of him up after being on a show, I seen him, he looked different. You can find him on Sunday brunch on 4od if you want to see him, its from about a month ago.
Ha! Ha! LOL this blog is brilliant - just right for a grey old Monday morning! Brightened up my day no end. Day seems brighter now
thank you all for such witticism. Wish I could think of something funny too! Have a good day all. X
Ummmm... Very funny, ...but do you think maybe we've been missing a critical point, which is that a high-profile person with a thyroid problem could help bring some much needed attention to a set of medical issues that everyone (except its sufferers) seems to think is a non-issue (just put 'em on some hormone replacement & everything'll be fine! Right? Wrong). Even the endos don't want to specialise in thyroid disease because it's so unglamourous. Instead of poking fun, I'd think we ought to be thinking of ways to encourage his participation in Thyroid UK (charity fundraising events for thyroid research, anyone?).
No. The list of famous and/or celeb sufferers is long - very long. And virtually none of them publicly do anything to help - though that is not to dismiss the possibility of such help being private.
Did having a president of the USA and his wife suffer thyroid issues do anything to change the situation? Or a prime minister of the UK? Or a secretary of state (US)? Or a host of (probably) the world's most famous and watched talk show (Oprah)? Or a daughter of Prince of Darkness? Or several Olympic competitors and medal winners? Or a wife of Lenin? Or a sister of the most famous actress/singer ever to come out of Australia?
Everyone appears to collude with the "take a little white pill every day and all will be well" fantasy. For those in whom that works, they take the pill, get well, and almost forget about the disease. For those in whom that does not work, many would not wish the world to be aware. They'd likely want to ignore it as far as they could but have to suffer it anyway. Others knowing of their problems could tend towards career-wrecking.
Mick, if you read this, please come on board. You would be welcome either as yourself or secretly under a non-de-forum!
We could have a red hair day instead of a red nose day, sun is shining, jokes are flowing, great morning thanks everybody x
Love all of the above!! so funny thank you!!
Anyone remember Charlie Drake? Don't you think he's a dead ringer?!
Seriously anything that gives thyroid issues publicity is fine by me! XXX
Well said! Except I dont think that making jokes about the way someone looks is funny - sarcasm; lowest form of humour, fan or no fan. I totally agree, encourage his participation!!!
Well, I've just signed up to Twitter and tweeted. Not sure whether I've done it right!
Who's clued up on this?
I love the thought of him coming home to me.......
me too - he still looks good to me!
LMAO, sorry, I thinks he was awesome in his earliar days, wondnt wish him to suffer, money talks, therfore he will be well supported.
It would be interesting to see his results TSH t4 t3 and antibodies lol maybe if he gets to our forum he can post them. lol lol
you all know I am joking right. Great it has made the head lines. xxx
Oh you are all so knowledgeable and quick on here. I had to look him up....thought Mick H was a cricketer.
Of course now I put the name to the huge talent but please forgive me just a little schadenfreude.
This might do the fight for better treatment so much good when the book/interviews and name of his Doctor comes out. Goes without saying really yous knows it in your body and soul
mail on line interview - I see he is interested in medical research...hmmm....
Sadly, as Gena Lee Nolin says, Thyroid disease just isn't 'sexy' i.e. newsworthy (of Baywatch fame, "Thyroid Sexy" on facebook) - perhaps that's why Celebs don't come on board.
I;m sure we all would be very interested to hear of his treatment and wish him all the best.
I also reckon he would have a good sense of humour too!
..If only we had 2 symptoms...he will go down in history if he is makes a full recovery !! LOL! ...if only hey!
I think he's got way more than 2 symptoms, he's been in the papers saying that One Direction are the new Beatles. Myxedema Psychosis anyone?
yes, as you say if hes only got the 2 good luck. however, if he is hypothyroid maybe he would come out...and help us all.
I think you people should feel ashamed of making fun of a fellow sufferer! It's not as though he's done anything to harm and deride us! What some of you say is right, it's possible he could do something to help us (from a celebrity point of view) but if I were him I'd say s.d the lot of you, I can pay for treatment, so there.
Or perhaps he's got thyroid cancer? Did you even stop to think of that?
Of course your right WaryofMDs. A lot of sufferers deride themselves and use wicked humour as a coping mechanism
Feel a lot of the responses are directed at the media headlines and his Celebrity not the man or his suffering.
When the man actually speaks for himself all will be clearer.
His case is always going to attract more interest than mine and there has been a lot of derision around mine.
I think we all know money does not always buy expertise or good health.
Wishing everyone good advices and treatment,
How refreshing to have a giggle at a little tong in cheek. It Just goes to show that some of you out there still have a brain that works
Sorry Mick if it has been at your expense and you are now one of us
I do hope you find us and help us fight our cause
wishing you well