I'm so frustrated - again!
I had to wait 4 months to see my endo again and then when I had my appointment, I had to see his registrar as he was on holiday!! The registrar admitted he had no answers for me and had only worked in the department for a year, so didn't have enough knowledge to help me, after I questioned everything he said so he had to back track. Was then told I would have to wait for my endo to return and the info would be passed on to him and he would then contact me. He should have returned over a week ago and I have emailed and not even had a reply.
The appointment was a follow up and to decide if I could increase my T3, as I had started to take 2 x 10mcg per day instead of the prescribed 10mcg, along with my 50mcg of T4.
So, I took the initiative and got a blood test whilst on the higher 20mcg dose, then reduced back down to 10mcg and had to wait 8 weeks to have another blood test which the endo ordered.
Just been in to collect the results and they haven't tested FT3 or FT4. Now waiting for the 'know it all' aged 12 receptionist to call me back to tell me whether the tests have been done or not, which she won't be able to tell me because only the lab will know but as she ignored everything I've said, she's checking anyway.
Sorry to rant but why can't these people actually do their jobs, even when I'm trying to make it easier for them????
Anyway, I only have my TSH to go on but am confused as to the rise, so any ideas on results would be helpful. thanks.
July 2012 T4 100mcg
FT4 15.7 (10-23)
FT3 4.5 (3.5-6.5)
TSH 0.13(0.35-5.5)
Sept 2012 T4 50mcg T3 10mcg
FT4 12
FT3 not done
TSH 0.14
Jan 2013 T4 50mcg T3 20mcg
FT4 11.3
FT3 5.1
TS 0.07
Mar 2013 T4 50mcg T3 10mcg
TSH 1.46