How long did it take before in you were able to see an endocrinologist? From being referred?
How long did it take before in you were able to... - Thyroid UK
How long did it take before in you were able to see an endocrinologist? From being referred?

Several months, but i asked for a named endo. Didn't want some one who was going to waste my time.

I want to choose mine. But I understand ,that I have not been given the book and choose option.
About 2 weeks in London to be seen for hyperthyroidism. Are you hyper?
I thought most hypothyroid people were managed by a GP (that's what the endo told me anyway, they see mostly hyper people)
Hypos that respond well to standard levothyroxine treatment are managed by their GP and generally don't need to see an endo. But GPs can (and should) refer hypos if there are complications beyond the GPs limited knowledge. So for example, if a hypo wants a trial of T3 to take alongside their T4, the GP might not feel confident with this and would prefer to hand over to a specialist.
It tiook about 3 mths from referral from dr to seeing endo but I think it deoends on where you live.
Please let us know how you get on.
Take care
I have not been diagnosed!
I have been ill for 16 years. (you are welcome to see my profile or, questions, sorry , I am not to typing more at the moment) my test results are apparently normal , but I have watched /listen to much information that suggests further investigations are needed. (Subclinical hypothyroidism, possibly a conversion problem or Hashimotos or other (I have a poor immune systems as part of the symptoms).good thing
Hi It is always a good idea to phone the consultants secretary and ask for any cancelled appointment, they have lots and are glad to fill them. also your GP, on request, can hurry things if so inclined, try them!I would also make sure that the endo is the one you wish to see, after lots of research not necessary the GP`s choice!
thank you I will do that. I'm doing research now..can you suggest the best way to do that please?
Hi First I look on the site of any hospital you want to use. then I get the names. Any good endo will have a site, their CV under their own name. Also most of the nearby private hospitals have lists. That does not mean they are good but you can often tell from reading up about them, experience and attitude etc. I see lots of consultants but as I have to go to a particular large teaching hospital. I always do this , always found nice ( lucky ) but good ones too.,as GP too provincial and just does not know any top docs. Also, of course, GP`s like certain docs who agree with them!
Best wishes,
I was referred early Sept 2012 for endo, got appointment end of Nov. A couple of months sounds usual.
I went private as my Dr. said it would take upto 12 weeks. It actually took 6 weeks, I go in a few days. I'm Hypothyroid.

I've rung around everywhere and all hospitals/clinics tell me I have t be GP referred which he won't do. I presume yours agreed?
I asked when locum was in! ;-D
About 3 get reffered to see one from GP. Wanst worth waiting for either. Hes ignorant and dismissive.
Ask him to make the appointment for you Poppyrose. It won't cost him anything.
Good luck hun. Xx

Thanks stormyone, but he won't. I have found someone who will see me but needs more bloods doing... through the GP's. !!