At what point can I confidently say I have Hypothyroidism? I have been suffering from many hypo symptoms for years, fatigue, yellow face, RLS, night sweats, foggy brain etc. I have 'normal' bloods but thankfully have found an endo thats human and a supportive gp who will prescribe. I've only been on meds since December and am beginning to feel very subtle benefits (I know it's not a quick fix) I don't want to accept the other diagnosis of M.E and PBC.
Hypothyroid ownership: At what point can I... - Thyroid UK
Hypothyroid ownership

Hi Mrs Moon
Have you been told you have PBC !! my Mum has had that for the last 10 years and some of her symptoms are very hypo , she has the fatigue , foggy brain , and the yellow face is very much part of it , do you get itchy ? I know from my Mum she has to give in to the fatigue , but then she is a very active 85 year old , and she knows a young woman at the hospital who drops her children at school and goes home to bed , do you take anythink for PBC ?
Its good that your doctor is understanding and has given you a trail of meds and its also good that your feeling a little better , but I do think you need to know if you have the PBC and get treatment for that as well , hope this helps !!!
All the best Jan Xx
My endo thinks the pbc could be a false possible. I've had blood tests and a liver biopsy. Bloods showed slight raised bilirubin (although this is also possible in case of thyroid probs) and biopsy all clear. Visited hosp many times and they said symptoms nothing to do we pbc as no sign of liver damage and raised bloods not consistent. Thanx for your support.
Thats good news , just hope they can sort out what it is , what are your blood test result like then for you thyroid ? there are lots of people on here that can help with those , I still don't really understand , but I think its just me being thick my results are that mt TSH is 0.07 and my T4 is 22 , my GP say's that my TSH is to low but that is where I feel better at so you can only use them as a guide I feel !!! who knows I don't think the medical profession know themselves
thats why this site is really great because you have a wide range of people who all feel different , anyways enough of my ramberling , good luck with it all and hope someone who knows what they are on about answers you
Jan Xx
Isn't raised bilirubin an indicator of Jaundice? And the cure for babies is sunshine (or a UV sunlamp) vit D? Did you read the article on rickets? - Children nowadays always on PC indoors and when they go out have too much factor 30 suncream on to be able to absorb sunshine? We are so worried about the sun when it's been around for a while! (whereas suncream hasn't?) Apparently you get 50 times more vit D from sunshine than pills
Mrsmoon - I'm not accepting ME either, I think it's great that you have found a supportive gp and hope things are improving - are you on thyroxine & what subtle benefits have you noticed? Best wishes Jane xxx
Hi Jane, the subtle benefits/changes include return of a sense of humour, increasingly less foggy brain, some change in fatigue and other subtle changes that are hard to pin point.
Ah... like the sense of humour bit - most important! welcome back xxx
What's PCB?
I have gilbert's syndrome. No other indication than raised bilirubin, all other liver function normal. This was diagnosed, a few months after HypoT.
My FEELING is that this gets worse with my hypoT symptoms - I get more yellow.
Hi TrumpetLu. Bizarre I had totally forgotten about Gilbert syndrome. That was discussed and diagnosed about 2 yrs ago but in the chaos of many possible diagnosis I had forgotten ive been told I too have Gilbert syndrome. Just feel for my own peace of mind I would like someone to say if I have hypo for def.
Have a look on the link you have posted and put in PBC it will tell you all about it , gilberts is not anything to worry about acording to that site so thats good news
Jan xx
<b>Updated on Feb 6 2011 11:52PM:</b> This was for TrumpetLu