I was diagnosed hpyo 6 years ago and my hair colour then was dark blonde. Of late people are asking me if I've dyed my hair because it is now an auburn colour! Not in good condition either - dull, thin and dry like straw. Yuck!
Has anyone on levo found there hair changing co... - Thyroid UK
Has anyone on levo found there hair changing colour?

Hi hooper,
I thought I was going mad as how could my hair change colour by itself? I was dark blonde and now have a distinct red hue. My hair also fades to a nasty brassy colour and the condition is poor, so always look like I have a bad dye job.
So, you are not alone but I've no idea what's causing the colour change.
Let's hope someone can tell us what's going on.
Regards, B
Apparently one of the symptoms of underactive thyroid is greying hair at a young age and this happened to me as did my Grandmother at 17. My Grandmother never had anything diagnosed but she became agoraphobic for much of her life. My theory is that she had hypothyroidism and it had never been picked up. However she lived to 97 so maybe not.
There are suggestions that slight hypothyroidism might even enhance life expectancy.
The difficult issue, even if that were clearly demonstrated, is the person should have their own choice over treatment and quality of life.
I doubt my Grandmother would have even know to ask to change her quality of life. Interestingly though, one of her daughters (my aunt)has an underactive thyroid AND coeliac disease so its certainly a genetic link.
I suffered with some agoraphobic tendencies before I was diagnosed and am relatively okay now. I often think how sad that my Grandmother couldnt live her life to the full if that were the problem.

My hair went grey-ish white-ish several years ago. Taking levothyroxine did recover some colour, at least for a while. If pushed, I'd suggest it was a darker brown shade than it ever had been. Certainly, if I look at the backs of my hands, the hairs are darker than at any other time of my life.
Thankfully I dont have hairs on the back of my hands!! I wouldnt know if my hair colour has changed though bcause I have it coloured constantly.
That's interesting. My eyebrows have grown back much darker than they ever were before. They were always a dark blonde colour and very fine. Funnily enough my hair went from being dark blonde to losing a lot of its "colour" and becoming very dull, dry and brittle. It's a little better now, with a slightly strawberry blonde tinge to it. Unfortunately there are a few greys there now too!
I meant to add, I have a feeling vitamin D has had a significant effect as well. Generally hair grows better - but always difficult to be sure why because of the long delay between something changing and seeing the results.
My hair went from blonde and soft age 7 to brown and more course age 8. Started treatment age 10 but it stayed dark. Maybe it would have gone dark anyway through puberty?
So glade i found these posts,i started taking levothyroxine 8 days ago and the gray in my hair is turning a blue/green i called the soctor office and Walgreen's and of course they say its not the medicine, so glade to see i am not loosing my mind