Help please!!! Metabolic acidosis due to hypoT ... - Thyroid UK

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Help please!!! Metabolic acidosis due to hypoT or levo altering your system???

3 Replies

Does anyone know anything about this please?

I've started reacting to all sorts of smells - washing powder, car exhaust fumes - and some foods - protein and chocolate. They burn my nose and the inside of my mouth. Feels like acid. Almost like my body is too acidic. Things still taste normal but mixed with acid flavour, but things smell bizarre and very toxic.

Anyone else come across this?



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3 Replies
OUTOFSYNC profile image


I have certainly reacted to all sorts of chemical smells for about 15 years now - with no resolution. I cannot use any product which contains a perfume ( smells so revolting to me I feel nauseous) I don't think I have an acid type response though. Just a very strong revulsion / toxic shock - and need to get away from the offending substance. Washing up and cleaning teeth are both difficult for me - I get severe iching inside my nose,my eyes, and often all over my face too.

I don't think I have noticed any foods which adversely affect me.

I have always assumed it was related to adrenal stress. I think I have seen this type of reaction listed somewhere in relation to same.

I just live with it - and buy unscented products for personal and household use. I'm just so exhausted and frustrated with trying to get Doctors to take me seriously, for the so many manifestations of this illness.

I must look a bit strange - bursting into a run in the supermarket each time I get a sniff of the washing powder isle though!

Hope you can find some relief.


nightingale-56 profile image

This type of reaction has been happening to me over the past 5 years since having an antibiotic. My reaction seems to against all bleach products, themain problem being that I can no longer have my hair coloured. Would be very interested to hear any answers you may get to this problem. Don't think my husband believes I can no longer use household cleaners though!

Heloise profile image

You may have MCS or multiple chemical sensitivities. You can find a lot of information on the topic. This is one person's experience.

I had MCS for 3 years. Tried everything

under the sun and finally fixed it with PPC

(polyenylphosphatidylcholine) which repaired

mitochondrial membranes and function; and also helped

with thiamine uptake.

Astrocyte cells of the blood brain barrier are highly

reliant on mitochondria to maintain the "tight

junctions" of the BBB.

Besides the chemical exposures, I was drinking a lot of

tea and some alcohol in the evening when I came down

with MCS... Turns out both the tannins and

(poly)phenols in tea are "anti-thiamines" as is

alcohol, and PPC (aside from fixing mitochondria) helps

improve thiamine uptake in the gut.

"In rodent TD (Thiamine deficiency), the earliest

region-specific pathological change is breakdown of the

blood-brain barrier (BBB)"

"Within 2-3 weeks of decreased intake and thiamine

depletion, areas of the brain with the highest thiamine

content and turnover will demonstrate cellular

impairment and injury. The main consequence of these

metabolic changes is the loss of osmotic gradients

across cell membranes. The earliest biochemical change

is the decrease in a-ketoglutarate-dehydrogenase

activity in astrocytes. Additional findings include

increased astrocyte lactate and edema, increased

extracellular glutamate concentrations, increased

nitric oxide from endothelial cell dysfunction, DNA

fragmentation in neurons, free radical production and

increase in cytokines, and breakdown of the blood brain


A lot of MCS patients also seem to think they have a

candida problem. I used to think this was crazy until

I learned candida produces alcohol as a byproduct of

metabolization of sugars, and this could indeed

contribute to thiamine deficiency, which causes

problems with the BBB.

I don't know if there are other causes and solutions

for MCS, but PPC and thiamine cured me in about 3

months. Both supplements are safe and have little if

any side effects. If you can't get PPC, triple

strength lecithin may be the next best thing.

Also... No matter how much thiamine you take, only a

milligram or so can be absorbed in the gut at any given

time, so you should take lower doses more often rather

than one large dose once a day. I found thiamine

hydrochloride provides better absorption than the

thiamine mononitrate, which is what is used in most

supplements, so you may want to see if you can find a

thiamine hydrochloride supplement. Solgar's B-1 is a

hydrochloride form.

Good Luck and GodSpeed to you.

P.S. I'm not a doctor... Just another patient who was

never helped much by doctors. I had to find my cure


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