Hi Guys...
Yes im in a muddle again! Im not sure how i end up in muddles...i always have a plan but they almost always go belly up!
All last year i have fought for a trial of t3 due to my ft3 levels always being at the bottom of the range and normal to high ft4 levels...indicating a possible conversion problem. Of course GP's and Endo's have scoffed and i am finally under the care of Dr P.
I started my trial of T3 just after xmas , after a palava with the postal system. Dr P recommended i drop my Levo to 50 mcg and start 12.5 mcg T3 , then double the t3 after 10 days. I read alot...and sometimes i think i read too much. Due to adrenal exhaustion which was diagnosed by a saliva test back in May, and reading Paul Robinsons book, i thought that (1) it would be better to clear the t4 out of my system...so i stopped the Levo when i started the t3 and (2) the ct3m method would be more beneficial for my adrenals. Seemed like a plan.
Now im in a muddle because im not sure if im doing the right thing....i feel bad that im totally ignoring Dr P's recomendation . The dose seemed too much to start with?? The ct3m method i started off by dividing a 25mcg tablet into 4 for about a week....i did notice a little improvement, after that ive increased the first and second doses to 12.5 with the other 2 at 6.25mcg. I often forget to take the afternoon ones usually because im busying around...then the others are late. Maybe the one dose wud be better?? The mexican tabs (which arrived yesterday) also feel alot stronger...im sure i could feel it spreading through my tissues...or i cud just be going mental finally.
I need to find the method which will make me feel better the quickest and safest....i really dont fancy thyrotoxicosis or tissue over-stimulation. I have to go back to work...ive been off for most of last year...my sick pay ends in Feb and im facing re-deployment or termination of contract. Time is running out fast....
I saw occy health today and told him i do feel much better than i have done but that im not quite there yet but i am ready to return... i think he was a bit sceptical...after just 2 weeks of t3???? I am rushing myself to feel well so i can return to work. Am i kidding myself? On the way back to the car park a gent asked me where B block was...i hadnt a clue...i really should know as i work there! Doh!
I have definately felt brighter though, more energetic..but today at lunch time...i needed to sleep again, and havent needed too for a while. I noticed my temp dropped ( and i am more rubbish than i thought i was, at keeping track of pulse and temp). I know im hypo coz when things have been emotionally challenging, thoughts of wanting to run away or worse have crept back into my head...i havent heard from them for a while Im finding it very hard to come to terms with the fact that i am letting hypoT almost winning my battle.
I just dont know or cant make a decision on how to continue ...DR P's way or ct3m? If CT3M shall i double the dose and see what happens??? Shall i start the Levo again??
If anyone on t3 can guide me into making a reasonable decision...id really appreciate it...again ....mixed up and muddled up once again but sending you all a hug too...
Karen xxxx