Over the past few years I have been prescribed blood pressure pills e.g. Ramipril, Atenelol and others. I just cannot tolerate them and have been told that I have an allergic reaction to them.
Today I went for an operation but was sent home because my blood pressure was very high. Told to see my GP, get it sorted out and 'get my act together'!! They would then consider doing the op. I was really upset, firstly not being able to have the op and also by the Consultant's attitude, he was so rude....I do understand the reason for not doing an op due to high blood pressure..
I am seeing my GP next week but has anyone else had this problem. What did you do to help lower your blood pressure or what tablets, dose, etc suited.
I took my thyroxine before I went for op, as it was under local anaesthetic, Would this make it worse.?
Thank you.