Enclosing items in festive-themed wood pulp pro... - Thyroid UK

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Enclosing items in festive-themed wood pulp product...

PinkNinja profile image
24 Replies

How are you all coping with the run-up to Christmas? I must say I am feeling a little overwhelmed! Work is crazy and on top of that I need to find time to get everything ready for Christmas, preferably when the kids aren't around. Even though I am finding it stressful, I do feel more relaxed about it than usual, perhaps due to the significant improvement in my health . I seem to have a completely different mindset than before. I know it will all get done eventually and I don't seem to be panicking... yet!

I have just asked my parents if they can look after the kids tomorrow for a couple of hours so that I can get some wrapping done. Working full time and then having the kids at home in the evening and at weekends doesn't leave much room for such things, especially as they are young and really don't need to see Mummy doing the wrapping that Santa's elves are supposed to be doing! I even had to speak in code when making the request to my Dad over the phone. It's not like I can spell anything out with an 8 year old in the house who can spell better than most adults! Luckily my dad and I are very similar and think in similar ways, so he completely understood what I meant by "enclosing items in festive-themed wood-pulp product"

What would I do without my family and friends?

I hope you are all doing ok and not getting too stressed to enjoy Christmas.

Wishing you and yours all the very best for Christmas and the new year :)

Carolyn x

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PinkNinja profile image
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24 Replies
MaryF profile image

A lovely message, I am in similar preparatory state, going away this time.... and currently and extra 20 children in the house who are all staying the night and hanging out with my youngest son! Luckily I don't sleep much anyhow. I shall bribe my man to wrap everything as i always have a tantrum and end up with the sellotape stuck to my backside, going around on all fours trying to find it at the dead of night!. M x

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to MaryF

:D You always manage to make me giggle. 20 extra children! I'm sure I'd go completely potty with that many in the house.

Enjoy your Christmas away

Carolyn x

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to PinkNinja

Well I am of course the biggest kid in residence! M x

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to MaryF


I'm still avoiding it and have learnt not to panic anymore, going round the charity shops tomorrow for some cards (sorry should have got TUK ones if I was clever enough to think ahead) after a visit to the sunspar first, then some pie & mash.

Meanwhile hubby (ex butcher) is creating a 3 bird roast with neighbour's donation of brace of pheasant & duck - a swop for a bit of fresh local pork we chopped up last week (must remember to get a turkey I suppose, but goose preferred - there's quite a few fat ones at the local lake!) then again Aldi do one for £10

blimey Mary you must have a big house! or do you keep them in the shed? he he!

In our house only presents from family/friends were wrapped & put under tree (family tradition that folks should be thanked) - Santa was too darn busy, of course, so delivered them at the bedside in a black bag (which came in handy for all the packaging - how thoughtful) now grandkids understand the difference too.

Carolyn - don't know when you're breaking up but it's Friday for us - so hardly any time to shop, wot a shame! Humbug! J :D

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to

It's Friday for us too, Jane. Really late this year. I can't believe the term is almost finished. It's the pantomime next week (oh no it isn't!, Oh yes it is! :D )

We also have some presents from Santa (little ones, stocking fillers etc) and the rest are from friends and family so the kids do thank you cards for those who aren't with us for Christmas. But they do love getting the stocking from Santa too :D

Have a lovely Christmas


MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to

They were all rammed in my sitting room... no sleep was done whatsoever... at around 6 am this morning having been awoken for the fourth time during the night... I swept downstairs, jacked the music up., put all the lights on.. and announced that as nobody had any interest in sleeping cleaning was to commence - I then watched breakfast news in bed... and made them all bring myself and husband tea and coffee. I got up. when I could actually walk across the downstairs floors.. they had a great time... early zzzzz for me tonight x

Everything is bought - but like you I am trying to sneakily wrap! lol!

Heather is soooo excited this year and totally into santa, so no way I'm letting her catch me at it!

Reece thinks he knows everything he's got, but has a surprise Blackberry, so can't get him to help!! Jack has surprises too! Other half is chef, so v busy!! Was in at 7 this morning to make MORE mince pies cos they have run out! So, looks like it's down to mummy!! lol! I appear to be skiving off on Sunday to go and watch the Hobbit though! So I can't be THAT worried can I..!? ;-)

We break up on Wed! WHOOT! Kids not till Fri! lol!



PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to

Ah so you get a nice couple of days peace and quiet then :D Let us know how The Hobbit is. I'm a little disappointed it's going to be three films but I'm sure it'll still be really good. Enjoy xxx

in reply to PinkNinja

Just as long as they don't add in anything odd...!!


in reply to PinkNinja

Twas brilliant!! :-) Chose to watch in 2D - not sure what the whole 3D thing is all about! Adds nothing, in my humble opinion!

Martin Freeman is wonderful and so is Richard Armitage.

They even put in the dwarves songs at the beginning - it was very moving and really set the scene. :-)

Ended with a shot of Smaug's eye. He's the HUGEST dragon I've ever seen! lol! He didn't speak though - so no sign on Ben Cumberbatch yet...

I'm a happy hobbit! :-)



But, what HAS it got in its pocketsis...!? ;-)

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to

Lol! Sounds great. Can't wait to see it. I prefer 2D too :)

Clarebear profile image

Yes my last day is Wed too - cant wait - girls fri as well :) I have done most of my shopping on the Internet this year - just hope it all arrives in time... We usually do all of the wrapping on Xmas eve with a glass of wine lol.

We all seem to be coming down with colds at the mo - will hopefully be done and dusted before the big day.

Wishing you all a stress-free run up to the big day. Xx

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to Clarebear

I hope everyone is cold-free for Christmas. I bet the glass of wine makes the wrapping much more enjoyable :D I might give that a try this year. Perhaps a mince pie or two as well.

Have a lovely Christmas xxx

Glynisrose profile image

I don't buy presents I just make all my family a nice card!! But I am behind in the card making and my flat looks like a council tip.... I've had to cancel a dinner with friends today because I'm just snowed under!! AND I don't have little kids!!

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to Glynisrose

I love home made cards. They are always so much nicer than the store-bought ones. I think it's the love that goes into making them. You'll have to post some pictures of your cards for us to see some time.

Hopefully you catch up soon. You've still got more than a week so try not to get too stressed. Your family will love you whatever :)

Wishing you a stress-free and enjoyable Christmas.

Christmas hugs xxx

Carolyn x

Woochan profile image

Well, I am surprised to find myself feeling quite smug as I have bought all my presents and have everything organised. I'm doing my wrapping tonight and I will be all ready. This is the first time this has happened in my life - its like a Christmas miracle! What a difference from last year when I was pulling my hair out and running around like a headless chicken right up until the last minute and was so exhausted that I didn't enjoy any of it. Amazing, the difference an extra 100mcg of thyroxine can make! I was 2 dress sizes bigger last Christmas too! X

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to Woochan

Brilliant! What a wonderful feeling that must be :)

Woochan profile image
Woochan in reply to PinkNinja

Yes, it feels great! I am by no means 100% and still have some weight to lose, but it is fantastic to be finally making some real progress. All done with huge amounts of help, advice and encouragement from the lovely people here. I find it a good barometer of progress to think back to the previous year and compare how I am feeling. Improvements can be small and slow, so we might not notice them over weeks or even months, but over a year they can make a big difference. X

Loopybird profile image

For the first time ever,( I too am usually running around getting last minute gifts on Christmas Eve with nary a gift wrapped ;)) after getting the last of the stocking fillers from town yesterday, last night I had a Mammoth gift wrapping session, sellotape cut & hanging off 3 edges of the coffee table, only stopped to renew the sellotape & have a cuppa it took just over 4 1/2hrs..

.but I did it am so chuffed and pleased with myself, and can't believe I have managed to be so orgainised this year..today I wrapped up prezzies bought for friends & even put up my tree & Dec's & tonight it's kick back contented & relax!!!

All I'm waiting on is one straggler stocking filler gift to arrive for my middle Grandaughter,

think it's helped that this year Iv'e used the internet for about 85% of the Christmas Item's Iv'e bought...

Can't quite believe no frazzeled nerves, or feeling so shattered I could sleep for England by the time Christmas day arrives...



PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to Loopybird

I used the internet for most of it too. I've realised now that I work full time and can't get out at lunchtime, I don't have much time for Christmas shopping, especially as I have had things going on most weekends. Next year I'm going to have to start shopping in the summer holidays before I go back to work :D

capricorn profile image

I'm ready early this year as well, must be something in the air lol. My son is cooking Christmas dinner but at our place as his house is too small to fit everyone in. I've bought all the normal nibbles, but it feels really strange to not have the main meat etc.

I've had to check that he has everything under control - but should relax as he is a chef and should be more than prepared after all the dinners he has cooked in the run up to Christmas.

I just need to wrap the pressies - my pet hate. Think I'll get hubby to do it again this year and that will only leave me with his presents to wrap.

We are very busy at work (Nursing Home) getting ready for the big day. Monday we have pre-school children coming in to sing carols to us - how sweet is that going to be. Then the Christmas party with sherry and mince pies on Weds. What is it with our seniors and their glasses of sherry, they love it lol.

I'm an Activity Co-ordinator so we have been making Christmas cards and decorations for what seems like weeks now, but it's definitely been worth it as it's a lovely atmosphere there.

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to capricorn

That sounds lovely! Our class (year 2) are going to the local nursing home tomorrow for carol singing. Not quite as cute as preschoolers though ;)

Enjoy the sherry and mince pies. I love sherry too and I'm only 40, but at christmas I prefer port :D

Stourie profile image

Well I have to be all done by Friday because after that I'm working right through to the 28th and then off for new year. Really rather have it the other way round but will have to wait for next Christmas for that.

Jo xx

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