My shoulders, elbows and hands are aching and I am wondering what I have been eating? I take 200mg of Levothyroxine per day. I also take Nutri-Thyroid tablets.
If your joints ache, what should I be looking i... - Thyroid UK
If your joints ache, what should I be looking into?

My joint pain seemed to be caused by the levo itself, at least in part. Within a couple of days of reducing it, my joint pain eased significantly. After stopping completely and switching to NDT it has reduced even further. It hasn't gone entirely. It seems to flare up when my eczema flares up so I think there is also something else going on, but it is still nowhere near as bad as when I was on levothyroxine and some days I am almost completely pain free, which is nice.
It could just be the cold weather though. It would be worth talking to your doctor though to get an arthritis screen just to make sure there's nothing else going on.
Carolyn x
Interesting, my hips have been getting worse recently and I also have a flare up of eczema (which I dont have often) never thought they were connected at all. Probably coincidence, but you never know.
(Im also on NDT and the joint pain is minimal compared with before)
As Carolyn says,
but in my case I have avoided bilateral carpal & cubital tunnel surgery (wrists & elbows) by sorting out my low Vit D - on no actual 'meds' as my TSH isn't high enough to warrant a Levo trial. Having 2 courses of physio didn't help either, although an osteopath helped the frozen shoulder.
Unfortunately I have not yet been cured of being rather batty. J
5,000 IU a day of Vit D3 cured my painful finger joints
All my pain has gone completly since I stopped taking thyroxine and now self medicate with Armour. And the GP had me going for Physio and said I had artheritis of which now there is no trace, I could not even put my coat as shoulders were so painful and no movement in them, Now totally painfree and all movement back, also I could hardly get up if I sat on the floor, well I can do now. Thanks Armour.
i am taking erfa thyroid . do you know if armour is better. have you found your optimal dose. i cannot go by blood tests. now up to 31/2m.g. could do with some help. 12years in this rotten thyroid hell. no pain now, but cannot stay well, keep going down. first day up after 10 days in bed. how long to stay on 31/2m.g.
Hi Make sure you have had a D test,which is a hormone, then if low have a calcium test before starting the Vit d. This is very important as D effects calcium and no matter the status of vit D, calcium must always be in range.
mmmm interesting, since increasing my levo for the winter I am aching more, it takes me a minute to be able to walk after sitting for a while.
That is just what it was like. Sitting for any length of time meant everything seized up and it took ages just to straighten up to be able to walk. Now I feel really "upright" when I stand up. I don't think I could really straighten up properly before but didn't realise until I could again.
Since starting T3 and stopping the thyroxin my aches and pains have gone. Mine got really bad last year when my GP prescribed Adcal and took months to clear up. I think it might be because he hadnt tested my calcium levels beforehand so although I might have needed some Vitamin D I didnt need the calcium.
I really am starting to get worried about the pains in my feet and knees, I too find the first few minutes standing up very painful. I can not exercise. I have some fluid in my ankles and knees. Last March iwent skiing although not feeling perfect I still managed, diagnose hypo (autoimmune) in June taking 75 levo TSH 1.7 which GP says is fine! Yes I have mentioned treat the symptoms but the joint pain could be the Levo? Do I want any high dose. Vit d at last check above range!
If you have an autoimmune thyroid condition it might be worth getting an arthritis screen. If you have one autoimmune disease you are more likely to have another, such as one of the forms of arthritis. Although this may not be the case, it's worth getting it checked given your symptoms and medical history.
i have pains in my shoulder since may ,ive had physio didnt work ,been for an injection hopefully it will work . said it could be off my thyroid . it might be worth while talking to your g.p .hope you feel better soon x
i had the pain all over on 250 thyroxin - i changed to armour and now it is mostly gone
I have periodic joint pain and aches. It seems that I start to feel optimal for a few weeks and then the achyness and muscle pain returns. Last time, Endo increased my Levothyroxine, and that appeared to help. I have blood tests this Friday, so we will see where we are at!