Well, it's that time of year - how are we coping with run up to Xmas?
Again I really don't seem to be worrying, in years gone by it was a dread, not enough money for too many kids! (funnily enough all of them say how lovely Xmas was, making stuff like home-made cards, turkey all week (goose if lucky!) & only one Playstation to share).
Well, they're grown up now, with kids of their own (our pressies for grandkids are from Santa again - so we get another lot from grandpa & nana to keep up, er, tradition!) they just want money - boring but that's what they want - but I've learnt to put it in a very big box
Last week I bought chocs for work, and today twiglets & cheeslets - they're all stressed out about it (understandable - such great expectations!) next week it's humbugs! he he! (OK I may be trying to get out of the birthday cake thing, even IF your birthday falls on Boxing day er, I may have a slight issue there, birthday parties cancelled due to Xmas)
It's not that I don't like Xmas - I do! but as it's only just December, no cards or pressies yet, however everyone else SEEMS to have it all wrapped up (literally) so why keep shopping for more? Apparently I must be rich leaving it so late? I think not!
Funny how the Xmas port keeps disappearing 'tho - anyway, off to switch the lights on (they've been outside there for 5 years now - he he!) is it the 5th yet?
Take care & don't worry! Jane x