For those of you that don't know, the new D3 capsules (without Calcium) were launched in February of this year. They are called Fultium and are 800iu each. Your GP can prescribe these so don't take no for an answer. Recommended amounts are on this link:-
Your GP Can Prescribe These, "Fultium", New D3 ... - Thyroid UK
Your GP Can Prescribe These, "Fultium", New D3 Capsules Launched (Feb 2012)

And precisely who thought it would be such a good idea to make this particular product available - when it has these contraindications?
Fultium-D3 is not recommended in children under 12 years of age and is contraindicated in patients with peanut or soya allergy.
Is there not a product which contains neither peanut nor soy ingredients?
I'm still waiting for someone to produce a Vit D supplement that is vegetarian!!!!!
800 iu is a maintenance dose only....
The Summary of Product Characteristics says:
Vitamin D deficiency in adults and the elderly (serum levels <25 nmol/l (<10 ng/ml)) 1-4 capsules (800-3200 IU) daily for up to 12 weeks dependent upon the severity of the disease and the patient's response to treatment.
Vitamin D insufficiency in adults and the elderly (serum levels 25 – 50 nmol/l (10-20 ng/mL))
long term maintenance therapy following treatment of deficiency in adults and the elderly
Prevention of vitamin D deficiency
1-2 Capsules (800-1600 IU) daily
Vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency in children over 12 years – 1 capsule daily depending on the severity of the disease and the patient's response to treatment. Should only be given under medical supervision.
As an adjunct to specific therapy for osteoporosis
1 capsule daily
Fultium-D3 should not be used in children under 12 years
Method of administration
The capsules should be swallowed whole (not chewed) with water
So while an individual capsule only contains 800, they do identify that up to four capsules may be required.
I can't see if Fultium may be taken closer to taking thyroxine - calcium+D3 needs at least a 2-hour gap, preferably 4 (I understand). Due to chaotic bodyclock I hardly ever take the calcium+D3.
Healthy origins does a D3 only capsule - doesn't contain soy/sugar/nuts...anything really and I got a year's supply for around £9.00 - 5000 iu
I believe it is important not to take calcium unless you need it - might be wrong on that tho
Hi Monkeybird -I use Healthy Origins too for my D3 -anything with soya in has a dire effect on me so was pleased to see that this doesn't contain it. I take 5000iu too!
When I was diagnosed with osetoporosis I was put straight onto Calcium and D3. I don't remember any blood tests to check my levels. It was just assumed that this would help.
I have been without the internet for 10 days. Can't believe all the stuff on here generated by my post. I know that there are other D3 capsules, higher doses, anti allergy, nut free, gluten free, cheaper, bigger, smaller etc etc etc. Just thought I'd mention what I'd found, for people who didn't know.
My Husband has been taking these tablets for nearly one year having regular blood tests but yesterday he went to our GP as they have never been put on a repeat prescription to be told he now has to buy them over the counter at the chemist but you cannot get this medication without a prescription. It was originally prescribed by The Royal Brompton Hospital as years of heavy steroid doses have left him with many health problems now including no immune system whatsoever.