Hello everyone
It's been a while since I posted - sorry I lost my login details! Anyway, I am now 29 weeks pregnant and have just had my TSH back and I've gone under 2 now - WHOOP WHOOP. On the advice of my consultant I hadn't tested since June so whilst I was worried, I have been feeling better (apart from normal pregnancy illnesses) so I am really thrilled.
I am taking a daily B-vitamin (combo b-vitamins 6 and 12 etc) each evening and whilst I don't know for sure I definately feel better for it.
Anyway, I wanted to report some good news as I know it's few and far between for us who are suffering.
Oh and did anyone read about Penny Lancaster? She had to have IVF due to an underactive thyroid and NK Killer cells. I am pleased it's in the news/ on the TV. It's something hardly spoken about in the media but something that affects thousands and thousands of people.
Love to all
Bellini & Bump xxx