I have been thinking of taking an extra 25mcg Thyroxine to see if it helps because my appointment with the Endocrinologist has been put back to the end of October and I can't go on like this for much longer. Is it a good idea and what are the side effects of taking too much.
How much Thyroxine is safe: I have been thinking... - Thyroid UK
How much Thyroxine is safe

Your desire to take extra thyroxine is entirely understandable. And October does look to be a long way off from here.
What you have to think through are the consequences of doing so.
If you do so secretly (i.e. without telling the medics), then what will they make of any future tests? Most likely they will see someone who doesn’t look to be as hypothyroid as they really are. Decisions based on this may not be helpful to you.
And how are you going to ensure that you have sufficient thyroxine to take more than has been prescribed? You may have enough for now, but what about the future? You might continue to want to take more than has been prescribed.
If you do so and tell the medics you are likely into a different set of problems. One will be your doctor(s) not trusting you to conform. And maybe turning your non-conformance back on you in future.
So maybe the only sensible approach is to go back to your doctor and ask for a raise?
I really wish I could see a simple and acceptable course of action but I can’t. You will have to make your decisions based on yourself and how you think your doctor will react. Just please talk it through with others so that you really have thought it through.
O yes! Safe? Well probably. Most references to overdose refer a) to long term overdose; b) to gross overdose. There was a paper a year or two back that discussed whether real patients were on the right dose. The conclusion was that very many were over or under dosed by 25mcg or more.
All the best
Rita, no-one can tell you how much thyroxine is safe because we all take different amounts.
What were your blood test results last time? If your TSH was under 1 and your Free T4 at the top or just above the lab range then I wouldn't increase.
Let us know what your results were
Hi Rita,
If it was me I would phone your endo's secretary (call the switchboard and ask to be put through), explain that you now have to wait a lot longer to see him and ask if he will agree to you trying an increase meanwhile.
Good luck!