not posted in a long time, feeling worse than ever since I had those damn antibiotics back in November. Couldn't cope on my own any more and instinctively knew something was terribly wrong in my gut so had to consult with a Practitioner and spent a lot of money doing a GI Map stool test and another OAT test which was helpful is showing was what going on in the gut.
I have gut bacterial overgrowth and also low level H-Pylori. She could see the overall picture that I am not absorbing nutrients from my food hence a lot of weight loss and feeling much much worse. She has put me on a different digestive enzyme and a couple of other things and wants me having a higher intake of calories (which is difficult with the nausea and not wanting to eat) and started me on saccharomyces boulardii, which on a whole cap sent me straight into die off symptoms so I had to stop and restart on opening the cap and just having a tiny bit but it's still not suiting me
Anxiety and depression is absolutely debilitating, literally shaking all day and every day and am extremely frightened I am just not gonna make it, literally living on Diazepam to get through each day. Lots of fatigue so missing out on my well needed evening walks which is having a negative effect also.
After feeling so poorly most of last year with my T4 being over and having to sort that, this is all I needed to deal with but I had a feeling for a long time that my gut was out of sync and could maybe the root cause of a lot of the severe anxiety that returned back in 2015 when I tested and showed positive for candida overgrowth/SIBO and mold exposure. Even after months of treatment at the time I felt it never really righted itself because I ran out of money and could no longer afford to see my practitioner so never retetested. I am so frightened of all this I just don't know what to do with myself sat here all alone rotting in my own thoughts feeling physically unable to do a lot
Only tested my thyroid levels in December but had a thought about all the gut issues going on and discovered that a study found that being hypo and taking Levo, Levo was the strongest contributor of SIBO!! And being hypo usually causes changes in gut microbiome
H-Pylori can also impede absorption of Levo.
So armed with that info I feel I need to again retest my thyroid levels as they may need temporarily tweaking due to the gut stuff going on. Every time I want to attend to upping my T3 and trying to get that optimal, something crops up and sets me back, which it has AGAIN done.
Someone upstairs clearly hates me. How do I get through all this on my own, everything feels hopeless and this has been going on for 10yrs with no improvement in sight. I am literally hanging on by a thread with a strong feeling of no hope