I had my thyroid checked privately two years ago - all came back normal with the exception of Anti-TG which was 279. I didn't do anything about it as I was told just to keep monitoring it.
I just went for another test this week (again privately) and whilst everything else is optimal my Anti-TG is still high at 232. Again, the commentary accompanying my tests says:
"Your thyroid function tests show that your thyroid function is normal; however, the presence
of autoantibodies indicates that you may be at increased risk of developing thyroid problems in the future. Continued monitoring of your thyroid function would be beneficial."
My question is whether I should be seeking any follow up with my GP? I have recently learned I have high cholesterol which I understand can be a symptom of hashimotos. By way of background I am 40 year old female with no major health concerns. Have been experiencing fatigue, forgetfulness, blurred vision but had put that all down to hormones.
Very grateful for any advice.