I don't like going to the doctor. They make me nervous because they're always messing with my thyroid medicine I just want them to leave me alone. I don't know what I'm supposed to get tested I need to ask for blood work. I feel good for the first time and over 2 years cuz I got a new thyroid supplier praise the Lord! You know the TSH is suppressed cuz I'm on thyroid s. They're using an old model of how to treat thyroid disease they know nothing at all! In my whole life is trying to get through this maze so I can just live my life I don't want them to tell me anything. This forum and the people on it like Slow Dragon no more than they'll ever know! God help me if you guys are out there please say a prayer. Easy
U.S. doctor tomorrow. Have been in 2 yrs. - Thyroid UK
U.S. doctor tomorrow. Have been in 2 yrs.

Haven't been
Thank you Not Elissa. I appreciate it!
You could ask for the following:
1) TSH
2) Free T3
3) Free T4
Plus these vitamins
4) ferritin
5) folate
6) B12
7)Vit D3
If you’ve never had any antibody results, these are the four (but bottom two are for hypo, so could just go with those if money is an issue:
1) TRab
2) TSI
3) TPOab
4) TGab
I can’t recall what your insurance situation is, but if you have been to the doctor in a while you should easily be able to get a full blood count (cbc).
Not sure if you’ll get pushback for the thyroid tests. If they agree, just make sure they spell out the exact tests. They may just write “thyroid panel “ and if so you’ll get useless things like total t4 or t3 uptake, also useless.
Let us know how it goes.
I just wrote out a long reply n it disappeared. I'll try again in a couple days. Thanks for everything FallingInReverse!
Hello Easylover -
It seems you are self sourcing your thyroid hormone replacement so why is the doctor having to monitor you -
I've been taking Thyroid S for several years and haven't seen the doctor since 2018.
I'm probably not as young as you n these people over here...unless you're here? They are control freaks n will test your thyroid just because. Thank you for posting. I wish I were young again! ☺
You can refuse to have your thyroid meds altered especially if you’re feeling ok on your dose! I do. I know mt TSH is suppressed but I feel ok so I refused.
Diris, Oh, good for you. I wish I never told the doctor I take Thyroid-S¿ But she knew I didn't want her to test my thyroid unless I had the other labs on the list FallingInReverse gave me. Well, I haven't given up. I am strong n a survivor. They can only knock me down for a while n I get back up. Thank you for your comment. Easy
I completely understand, same for me, have been on thyroid s for almost 7 years and am so happy, feeling the best. Yes, my tsh suppressed and my local doctor would not be happy. When I got my bloods drawn I said, I dont need thyroid bloods as I get them done privately. Next time they may want to do them. I've heard if we stop thyroid s fr 2 days tsh may increase slightly, not sure if this applies to all people...it is such a hassle.
RedShells, hi. I actually wished I'd of read your reply before I went to the doctor. I'm discouraged but i have other issues. Two different serious diseases run on both sides of my family. The one on Mom's side can be genetically tested. They said I'd have to go to UCDavis in Sacramento, CA. It's a long ways from here. I'm just trying to get my ducks in a row because I'm getting older n I want to know what I have to face. The doctor was nice about that. I'm kind of confused...bless you, Easy
Truly a hassle! Thanks.