I read an article recently, as in today, on the forum. where someone mentioned heart condition and linking it to thyroid.
I am not yet diagnosed with hypothyroid, although after previous conversations on here believe I am. Last check was TSH just under the 5. My levels have been slowly rising since 2014, when I Iast started accessing my blood results. Not sure when they started to rise prior to that date.
However the post I was referring to was very interesting to read, although the thread now closed.
In October 2022 I had cause to call an ambulance, and although they didn't feel the need to take me in for the reason I had called them for, they did a full check up, like they do. They had concerns with an ECG they did. Apparently I had a left bundle block. I was taken to hospital for further checks. To cut a long story short, three months later in Feb 2023 I had a pacemaker fitted. To be honest being told I needed one in the first place left me in complete shock, as I have never had any issues with my heart.
So beggers the question, could this have been thyroid related? Also in 2022 about the same time I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, again could this all be related?
I must say thank you for the info on here is so useful, even if I cant take it all in😄