Hi will an ultrasound of my neck look at my thyroid and everything in my neck ? I have nodules on the front of my neck and have no idea what they are . I also get swollen lymph nodes so I was wondering Does the NHS GP refer you for a neck scan or does it have to be a request for a thyroid scan ? Or will a referral for a neck scan look at my thyroid and everything in my neck ? Hope that makes sense
Ultrasound of neck or thyroid ultrasound which ... - Thyroid UK
Ultrasound of neck or thyroid ultrasound which one ?

I was referred for a thyroid ultrasound. The chap did the thyroid, all the neck, up under my jawbone, the saliva glands, the whole lot.
Does that help you?
thanks just coming back to this so it was a thyroid ultrasound & not a neck ultrasound ? As I want them like you mentioned to look at everything in my neck , saliva glands and thyroid . My NHS GP has referred me for a thyroid ultrasound so will they look at everything like you mentioned above ? As my GP is not much help and waiting lists are so long so I just want to be referred for the right thing
Yup. A CT for kidney went sufficiently high that it showed a calcified thyroid cyst. I googled it, found it could be nasty, took it to the doc, they referred for non urgent thyroid ultrasound, results for that showed many nodules, two of which were big enough and hypo/hyper echoic enough to be suspicious. I was referred on the 2-week cancer pathway for a more in depth scan and possible biopsy.
Both scans did the whole neck, up to under the jawbone. On the first one I was thinking why’s he going that far up?
CT of kidney is that like a CT scan ? Or what do you mean by that . Also what was the course of action after finding the thyroid nodules what happened after the ultrasound ? I can feel nodules in the front of my neck about 4 going down and have been referred for a thyroid ultrasound but I wanted all my neck ultrasounded including my saliva glands etc I guess I will just wait it out and see what they scan on the day but it wouldn’t be the first time my NHS GP has been no help when I specially requested whole neck and ultrasound .
Yep, it was a CT scan, primarily looking at my kidney and the rest of my torso looking for metastases.
After the first ultrasound scan of the thyroid, I was referred for a more detailed one, they also tried to biopsy the nodules at that appointment. Then I was referred to a larger hospital so they could see if they could get any cells out of it. As no one could they’re still not 100% sure what it it, but they think an involuted cyst, whatever that is. So I’m on a watch and wait with them. I had another scan 6 months after the first, nothing changed, so the next one is 12 months after that. I think if nothing changes, the one after that is 2 or 3 years later.
That’s good to hear . I thought they took out suspicious nodules and somtimes even removed part of the thyroid if biopsy is inconclusive . Were they able to confirm it wasn’t anything sinister by the ultrasound scan of the nodules ? Hope you don’t mind the questions I’m trying to figure it all out .
I don’t want to make things worse for you. So will tell u what happened to me. Same as u. Ultra sound showed nodules. 2 yrs prior. GP organised the scan. Then had biopsy which was negative.
You need to get ultrasound firstly.
So in May, I complained of neck pain, felt tight, and another ultra sound showed nodules in thyroid had grown.
My GP immediately referred me to a thyroid cancer surgeon. Next day, surgeon showed me the scan and said the nodules looked shape indicated cancer. Next day I had thyroidectomy plus removal of lymph glands.
Please don’t think u hv anything like me. BUT you need yo get ultrasound read properly, possible biopsy and blood tests to see if you are hypothyroidism.
I hv happy news. Had RAI treatment a few eeeks ago to get rid of any stray cancer cells. Today hit results back.
Am cancer free.
Am telling u my story because I think it’s very important to get all of yours sorted quickly. Good luck indeed. Wish u well
I wrote u reply but didn’t put your name.watermelon.