I had a total thyroidectomy in 2016 after having a thyroid storm……I have been on various doses of Levo over the following years both up & down doses (at one point only 50mcg per day!)…. I am now taking 75mcg per day & mostly don’t feel too bad….although medical professionals are trying to lower dose as my T4 is over ‘their’ higher level, at Serum free T4 level (XaERr) 22.4 pmol/L [10 - 22] - Above high reference limit. Serum TSH level (XaELV) 0.73 miu/L [0.3 - 4.2] No T3 tested…..I have persuaded the GP to leave me on 75mcg at the moment as I ‘feel’, most of the time, as good as it has been for a while…….however, saying that, I don’t do an awful lot. I tend to just do light housework, the cooking, occasionally go shopping……..I am quite happy just sitting & reading, knitting & watching tv…….. I also suffer from osteoarthritis, which I have had for many years, so I find walking a challenge & don’t go out without my ‘long suffering’ husband’s support.
Over the years I have also suffered with gastrointestinal issues. I had my gallbladder removed when I was 27 years old, I am now 72…..I took either Omeprazole or Lansoprazole 20mg for 20 years from approx 1995 to 2005 I then was given a reduced dose of 10mg which seemed to solve the problem of the GERD……the hospital stopped all my meds while an in patient in 2016 & I was not prescribed them again until I complained about experiencing stomach pain’s whenever I was anxious ie travelling on long journeys, going to the dentist, things that stressed me……my GP at the time suggested I took the PPIs three days before any such events to calm the acid my stomach down……I have done this & it usually works. I have been experiencing much more heartburn, stomach pain etc again & twice over the last 8 years it has been so bad my husband has called 111 and they have called paramedics, who have taken me to A&E to be checked out. Both times I have had tests to reassure me it is not my heart. Usually I can cope with the symptoms of GERD ( I eat boxes of Gaviscon tabs!)….but occasionally the pain is severe & lasts a long time so it frightens me as I think it may be my heart.
I now feel that I need to go back on my medication for this, ie PPIs, but am reluctant to ask my GP (if I can get an appointment even) about the contraindications of PPIs & Levo as I’m sure they would say it was ok to take them. I know I have read on here that you need stomach acid when taking Levo so as PPIs reduce stomach acid they act against each other. If anyone has a suggestion for something I can safely take for my GERD I would much appreciate the advice.
Thank you for reading my essay! Sorry it’s a bit long……..hoping someone out there can help me.