Sudden bruising on legs and arms. Blood test is ok but I still have this. It can be an effect of levothyroxine?
Bruising : Sudden bruising on legs and arms... - Thyroid UK

Common symptom of iron deficiency. Have you had an iron blood/panel ever or recently?
I went to see a GP and he prescribed a blood test to check liver functioning and platelets for blood clotting (sorry I am not specific because I don't have a copy of this) and at the end they didn't called me back because everything was ok. But I still have the problem and this problem started in the summer 2 years ago with many other symptoms that I discovered later on to be caused by hashimoto's hypothyroidism. But taking the pill in January this year I was thinking they will go away like the other symptoms. ... I'm still there. In june in the night I see this bruises appearing, they appear in the night. I don't know what else I can do. I'm taking vitamin d because I am vitamin d deficient and the doctor in the private clinic told me to take it in Holland and Barrett.
There are other causes of bruising, but I will say with my one experience with my daughter at some point she kept getting bruises… she had no idea where they were coming from, but they appeared seemingly overnight and there were quite a few.
For her it was her low iron. It resolved with careful, monitored supplementation.
One should never supplement iron without a full iron panel. If you are able to get that tested it might rule out or rule in low iron as a cause.

Various forms of bruising and similar (purpura, petechiae) can and do occur in hypothyroidism - in some people.
If it seems serious, definitely go to see a doctor. Remember, you can see what is on or near to the surface but you could also be having problems deep inside.
But for many, it happens for a while - and not very seriously. Then they mostly get over it,
My own feeling is it is unlikely to be the levothyroxine itself causing it - rather that taking the levothyroxine is changing you from being hypothyroid and that causes numerous changes.