Can anyone tell me if you can take your thyroid meds BEFORE you had your iron infusion?
Iron infusion and Thyroid meds: Can anyone tell... - Thyroid UK
Iron infusion and Thyroid meds

I’m ready to stand corrected but I can’t think of a reason why that wouldn’t be ok. Taking iron by mouth close to taking your thyroid meds could theoretically cause some kind of gut absorption issue—but an iron infusion isn’t going to your stomach, it’s going direct into your veins.
So I think that would be fine.
I took my Levo early am as usual before iron infusion at 4pm. Everything was fine. You might feel like you have a cold/mild flu two or three days after the infusion - also perfectly normal but the benefits that kick in later on are totally worth it! 🙂
Can I ask what your iron panel results were that preceded the iron infusion for you?
I’m sorry I thought I had added those iron numbers, but I guess I didn’t. My Ferritin was 20 and my iron level was 52 and that’s all she tested. She didn’t do any other full testing but I have had full testing in the past actually three months ago and everything was just bad. I’ve been bad for the past four years my ferritin usually ranges between 15 and 20 so this doctor who is head of clinic reviewed all my iron results not my doctor and he said that it was time to do an infusion because it’s just too low constantly and my supplementing/eating it’s not working.
My ferritin has been between 5-15 for the past year. I’m supplementing. But still pondering constantly if I should just do an infusion.
It comes up on the forum every once in a while but not a lot. Maybe because the NHS is hesitant to pay for it? Have you looked into any possible downsides or risks for it?
I just don’t know enough about it.
Read some stuff and stalked anemia group and haven’t seen many bad things only positive …. Mine is just one time and will last 2 hours long and then I retest full panel again in 6 months … My Rheumy was fine with infusion haven’t heard back from Endo and suspect I won’t before I have it done .
I struggle to walk I get breathless plus on top of that I have horrendous joint issues … because I had these joint issues (Psoriatic Arthritis) I never know whats going on is it joint issues or anemia …. So Im hoping this will fix the breathlessness I get when Im moving around …. I definitely will let you know how it went!
Im taking my thyroid meds at 5am and my infusion is at 8am so that should be plenty of time … thank you